Chapter One

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Ally walked into the living room, finding her four best friends scattered everywhere. Dinah and Normani were sitting upside-down on the couch with their phones in hand, trying out the latest snapshot filter. Camila had her legs draped over the side of their lazy-boy finishing up an essay on her laptop, and Lauren was laying on her stomach on their rug, totally engrossed in some book. Ally almost forgot why she came in the room, but then quickly remembered.

"Camila, you really need to start doing your laundry, your hamper is overflowing." Ally said with her own clothes washed, folded, and in a basket now resting on her hip. 

Camila, not looking up from her laptop, quickly answered "Dinah, did you hear that? I need a bigger hamper."

Norman and Dinah tried to hold back their legs when they saw the stern look Ally was giving the back of Camila's head but ultimately failed. Ally really tried to keep a straight face, but eventually gave in and cracked a smile.

"Not the point!" Ally continued

"And what is the point?" Camila said, looking back at her short friend.

"The point is, one day you're going to need to find a shirt or a pair of jeans-"

"Leggings, I'm trying to encourage Camz to wear leggings." Lauren said, never looking up from her book. Everyone looked at her with a confused look, as if silently asking for an explanation. "What? She has a nice ass" Lauren answered casually.

With that, Dinah, Normani, and Ally all fell into hysteria. Camila replied with a knowing look and a flash of her tongue to Lauren while Lauren just winked. This wasn't unusual for the girls, it was actually pretty normal. Lauren and Camila have flirted like this since high school, they've even hooked up a few times. Now, they're in Montreal, all attending McGill together, and nothing has changed. There's a certain comfort the girls get from Lauren and Camila's playful banter because in a time where everything's changing, that, at least stayed constant.

As their laughter died down Normani continued where Ally left off.

"Mila, you won't be able to find anything in that mess you call a room if this keeps up!"

"Oh come on, it's not like I don't have clothes to wear in the morning" Camila countered.

"That's my point, Mila, you eventually will run out of clothes and will be running around our apartment naked." Ally chuckled. "I love you, but none of us want to see you naked!"

Camila turned to look at Lauren but was surprised to find her already grinning back at her.

"Fine, it's settled, this weekend I'll do laundry, but one of you has to help me"

The girls all put their fingers in their noses to signify 'not it'. Lauren was the slowest and the defeated look she had plastered on her face told the girls she already understood her fate.

"Laundry isn't the only thing they'll be doing." Dinah said just loud enough for Ally and Normani to hear. There was a silent understanding between the three girls that their roommates were perfect for each other, but they didn't want to push it, if it was going to happen, it would happen, but that didn't mean they weren't going to try to speed up the process. Little things like claiming certain seats at dinner, leaving Camila and Lauren sitting next to each other is a perfect example of their harmless meddling in their best friends' love lives that usually ended up with meaningful looks, adorable teasing, and hardcore flirting. For some reason, that's usually all that happened, but they did get lucky a couple times where it leads to something more, but never anything permanent.

The girls looked back at their roommates who had already gone back to their tasks and then looked back at each other. They then simultaneously mouthed "Camren" to each other.


The following Saturday sheets were ripped off Camila's bed as she was woken up by the crisp air of their apartment.

"Rise and shine, I don't have all day to clean this pig sty" Lauren's raspy morning voice invaded Camila's ears. It was bittersweet, on one end she loved waking up to Lauren's voice, there was something so relaxing about it, but on the other end, she had no desire to clean her room. At this point, even she was able to admit it was a mess.

"You couldn't have shaken me gently and whispered sweet nothings to me instead of pulling the sheets off me?" Camila said, struggling to keep her eyes open

"You wish. Now get up, I want to finish this before I graduate in three years!" Her eyes traveled to a sleepy Camila stretching in bed wearing plaid pyjamas pants and a Lana Del Rey hoodie, her hoodie.

"Camila fucking Cabello, I've been looking for that hoodie for weeks!"


"So, do you always steal your friend's hoodies?"

"No, just my best friend's hoodies." Camila said, trying to figure out a way to keep what had become her favourite hoodie. She threw her legs over the side of the bed and looked back at her roommate.

"Not falling for that, but nice try."

"Okay, whatever" Camila yawned "Go make me breakfast, I have to shower before we do all of this" the shorter girl motioned to the mess in her room.

"No way! Call me when you're done." Lauren called, making her way towards the door.

Camila grabbed a towel and turned back to the door.

"Laur, if you're not doing anything you might as well join me"

Green eyes narrowed in on Camila, trying to decipher how serious she was. When she couldn't read her best friend, she opened her mouth, but Camila interrupted before she could even get a word in.

"Pfft, you have actually considered it! In your dreams, Jauregui" And with that, Camila turned around laughing, closing the bathroom door behind her.

Lauren was left in the doorframe laughing.

Twenty minutes later, a freshly showered Camila came out into the kitchen. She took her wet hair and squeezed out the excess water down an unsuspecting Lauren's back. Camila could've sworn Lauren jumped six feet into the air. With that, Camila started running, knowing her friend was close behind her, she ran into her room and tried closing the door but Lauren's foot stopped it. They both started laughing, but Camila realized that now wasn't a time to let her guard down and ran into her room only to realize she had nowhere to go. With Lauren getting closer, she backed into her bed, tripping onto it. The older girl took this as an opportunity to pin Camila down and do the one thing she hated the most; she tickled her.

Between fits of unwanted laughter and gasping for air, Camila was able to yell out many unanswered "I'm sorry"s and "Stop"s. Lauren finally stopped once she realized their position. Lauren was now straddling Camila with both of her hands pinning Camila's wrists above her. Just as Camila was finally getting her breathing back to normal, her breath got stuck in her throat once she realized Lauren was leaning in. It isn't like they haven't done things before, in fact, they've done quite a lot but never like this. Why was Camila getting so nervous? Lauren was the only person in the world she was completely comfortable with, they were best friends. They had a bond different than the one she had with Ally, Dinah, or Normani. A laughing Lauren interrupted her thoughts.

"Payback, bitch!" Lauren moved off Camila and was now doubled over in laughter, "Camz, you were terrified! That's what you get for your shower comment from before, by the way." Lauren's laughter finally stopped as she got up from the bed and began picking things up off the floor. She looked back at her best friend and gave her a questioning look as if silently asking her why she wasn't helping. That was all it took for Camila to get up and start helping Lauren.



Alright guys, this is my first fic so be nice please, haha!

Anyways I'm gonna try to do what I can with this (including regular updates) so please let me know what you think in the comments, tell me what you want me to write etc.

I have no idea what else to say.

I'll update tomorrow, hopefully!


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