Chapter Three

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"DINAH, GET IN HERE" Camila screamed from the kitchen. She heard various 'Shut the fuck up"s and "I dare you to get louder"s from the girls but couldn't differentiate one pissed off scream from the next.

"What's up, Mila" Dinah appeared at her door.

"Lauren and I talked about some stuff last weekend and I can't stop thinking about it."

"Tell me everything!" Dinah said as she sat next to Camila. The Cuban continued to tell her friend about the discussion they had and Dinah wasn't the least bit surprised, she knew this discussion was going to happen sooner or later.

"I'm gonna tell it as it is. Everyone, and I mean everyone, even our teachers, shipped Camren since high school. You're attached at the hip, you're the best of friends but there's something more that everyone sees or else all the hype would have gone away a while ago. You guys have finally acknowledged it but now you have to decide what to do with this information." Dinah finished.

"What do you mean decide what to do?" Camila questioned.

"Well, are you guys going to try it? I mean dating, are you guys going to date?"

"Well no, we discussed it already, there's too much at risk."

"From what you told me you guys haven't really discussed it though, it was just acknowledged." Dinah paused as if she was deciding whether or not to ask the question that was about to roll off her tongue "Do you want to try, Mila?" Dinah finally got out.

"She doesn't want to, DJ."

"You don't know that but that's not what I asked. Do you want to try?"

"I want a relationship. Though I don't go out as much as Lauren, we're in the same boat, I want something. I just don't want to ruin something that is already there by trying to see if it's something it's not. It can never just be if I want it or not, it comes with consequences; good or bad." Camila finished, eagerly awaiting her friend's response.

"So basically you would want a relationship with Lauren but only if she was a stranger? Like only if there wasn't so much at risk?"

"I mean I guess"

"You have feelings for her?"

"No!" Camila quickly interrupted "I don't have feelings for her but if our relationship would be half of what our friendship is, I would want that."

"But you can't stop thinking about the conversation you had? Doesn't that tell you something?"

"That I'm able to process information?" Camila shot back, all in good fun.

"Camila, do you not realize she can offer that and so much more?" Dinah pressed, ignoring her friend's joke.

"Dinah, do you not realize we're best friends and even considering this is a joke? I literally just told you this because you've mentioned it before. We're on the same page, her and I,"

"Whatever you say, Mila," Dinah said in a sing-song voice.


"Camz, order the pizza. Ally, make sure the projector is ready. Dinah Jane, you better not be eating that popcorn. Mani, are the pillows and blankets set up?" Lauren called out to her roommates.

"Lo, we do this every other Friday night, we're fine, stop stressing!" Normani answered. Since their senior year every other Friday they would all get together, order pizza, eat junk, and watch a movie all together; no matter what. Since they had moved into their apartment, they would set up a projector on an empty wall, blankets and pillows on the floor and food and bodies everywhere. Even through fights and heartbreak, they always met every second Friday and most of the time they would leave having forgotten all their problems from before.

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