Chapter Seventeen

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"I call shotgun!" Camila yells out as the five girls emerge from the elevator, into the apartment parking lot. She begins running to the left where both Lauren and Normani's car are parked next to each other. Lauren quickly noticed Camila rushing to the passengers side of Normani's car instead of her own.

"Am I finally getting rid of you, babe?" Lauren teases, unlocking her door.

"Normani lets me control the music," Camila shrugged and ducking into the car. 

"Good luck, Mani." Lauren laughs, Normani replies with a head nod.

"I heard that, asshole!" Camila calls, closing her door.

The five were on their way to play mini putt, a tradition they had in high school. Dinah told her friends that they were in need of a get together. She went on and on about how life had gotten so busy for their group and they can't forget about their friends. Lauren and Normani, keeping in giggles, quickly agreed to the idea, hoping they Dinah would get even more philosophical during their outing.

"Don't worry, Laur. Alren is alive and well" Ally joked, buckling her seatbelt.

"Oh my god, I can't remember the last time I heard someone say 'Alren'. People almost said it as much as they said Camren" Lauren laughed, pulling on to the street and checking to make sure Normani was behind them.

"Woah calm down, Camren was all anyone talked about in high school; even your exes. Plus they meant Alren in a completely different way. "

"Okay fine but Alren was pretty legendary. All the pranks we pulled," Lauren began reminiscing.

"Mostly on Dinah" Ally added.

"We were so close"

"What do you mean were? Not much has changed," Ally corrected. "You still come to me and tell me how hopelessly in love you are with Mila, just in more words than when you would tell me back then."

"And we don't fuck around with Dinah as much"

"We have a whole day for that" Ally wiggled her eyebrows. Ally and Lauren were very close, the five of them all considered each other their best friends but in different ways. Lauren and Ally were always very real with each other, they were usually the ones to look over their friends and fix any drama that happened. Ally was also the first person Lauren came out to. The five of them were having their regular sleepovers one night and the two woke up and started talking. Lauren confessed she thinks she might like girls as well as guys and Ally  answered with 'I could've told you that'. There was such a simplicity to their friendship that made the two girls so calm with each other, and considering how rowdy their group could get, it was good they had each other.

"It looks like our day starts now" Lauren pulled into a parking spot right in front of the door. The two got out of the car and met up with the rest of their friends at the door. "You ready to get your ass kicked?" Lauren asked, walking up from behind Camila and poking at her sides.

"You wish" Camila managed to answer, squirming at Lauren's touch. "Turn around"

Lauren did as told. Camila tapped her back and Lauren bent down. Camila immediately jumped on Lauren's back and her arms wrapped around Lauren's neck. Lauren straightened herself up and grabbed onto Camila's legs. Lauren noticed her friends' looks of disgust.

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