Chapter Twenty One

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As Camila emerged from her classroom, she checked her phone, surprised she didn't have a text from Lauren. It was their one year anniversary today and Camila had an early morning class. It was just after nine now and Camila guessed she was still sleeping. She couldn't wait to go home and wake up her girlfriend.

Once Camila put her phone back in her pocket, she realized everyone was whispering and a small crowd was around the wall at the end of the hall. As Camila approached the crowd, her girlfriend came into sight. Lauren stood against the wall in grey jeans and a white over-sized crewneck. Her sunglasses rested on the top of her head, holding her hair back. Camila wasn't so in love with her, she would've said Lauren looked pretty bad ass but the word 'gorgeous' came to mind instead. She was looking down at her phone in one hand and the other held a bouquet of roses. Camila laughed when she noticed the bouquet was upside down.

As she got closer, she heard various whispers.

"That's so cute, what the fuck!"

"I wonder who she's waiting for."

"Isn't she the girl that asked that other girl out in the auditorium?"

"I should take a picture and show my boyfriend, maybe he'll surprise me too!"

Just ask Camila was nearing the crowd, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She slowed down her pace while she read the text.

Dinah (9:06): Lauren wants to know when your class finishes

Camila, looking up, saw Lauren was still on her phone, completely unaware of the crowd around her, probably harassing Dinah.

"It finished six minutes ago, dummy," Camila teased, loud enough for Lauren to hear. Lauren barely looked up before pushing herself off the wall. Camila, overly excited, didn't even wait for Lauren to meet her half way. She took off, running the last few feet and jumping into Lauren's arms. Lauren, completely caught off guard, lost her footing for a second but quickly regaining it. Camila's legs wrapped around Lauren's waist.

"Happy one year, baby." Lauren grinned from ear to ear. She wrapped her arms around Camila's waist and then hid her face in the younger girl's neck. Lauren placed a few kisses there before removing her head and kissing Camila's lips. When they parted, Camila lined up their foreheads.

"Happy one year," Camila managed to say between smiles and kisses.

"You guys are adorable!" An unfamiliar girl said in passing.

"Thank you!" Camila flashed her a smile and Lauren patted Camila's leg, signalling she was going to let go.

"I think she was talking about you." Lauren winked. "Oh shit! These are for you," Lauren handed Camila the bouquet. Camila took her lip between her teeth as she admired the roses. There must have been at least two dozen.

"Twenty seven, for the twenty seventh of November, our anniversary." Lauren informed, taking Camila's hand.

"Cause I didn't know today's date." Camila stuck out her tongue at her girlfriend and Lauren answered by playfully shoving Camila the other way but then pulling her back by the hand.

"One year," Camila thought aloud. "It seems like yesterday you pulled your pants down over there." Camila pointed to the auditorium in front of them.

"I know, it seems fast but we have the rest of out lives. We can complain everything went too fast when we're dying."

"Way to kill the mood, babe!" Camila joked.

"Shut up," Lauren commanded, reaching the car. She walked Camila to the passenger's side but before opening the door, she backed Camila up against it. Lauren leaned her hand beside Camila's head and leaned in for a slow, sensual kiss.

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