Chapter Twenty Four

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"I can't believe we're already leaving," Lauren said, slamming the trunk closed and walking over to Ally.

"I know, I'm so glad we did this. " Ally put a comforting hand on Lauren's upper arm.

"You know we won the bet, right?" She reminded her friend.

"The bet? Which bet?" Ally asked, confused.

"Tyler warmed up to us," Lauren said. "Remember on the way here Camila and Jake were so sure he was bad news?"

"And we were sure he wasn't," Ally added.

"Camila wanted dinner and I bet the whole ' act out a fantasy' thing?" Lauren continued.

"Jake's going to be so mad he lost," Ally laughed.

"Have you met my girlfriend? She's the most competitive person in the world!"

"Okay," Ally agreed. "I can't argue that."

"Hey guys," Normani called, coming out of the house."Are we in the same cars on the way back?"

"We could change them up," Ally suggested.

"Jake!" Lauren called out, dramatically. "Buddy, I think we're being separated." She pretended to wipe her eyes clear of fake tears.

"Come here, Lo." Jake opened his arms and enveloped Lauren in a bear hug.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, guys." Camila laughed. "I wouldn't want to break up whatever is going on here." She pointed to her girlfriend.

"You're just pissed your girlfriend and I get along better than you and I do." Jake teased, sticking his tongue out.

"Oh, I was well aware I wouldn't be able to compete with you when I agreed to go out with Lauren," Camila explained, putting her bag on the dashboard of her girlfriend's car.

"I'll FaceTime with you in the car, Jake." Lauren joked.

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui! You did not just say you would FaceTime him while you were driving." Camila reprimanded, everyone laughing at the use of Lauren's full name.

"Sorry, Mom!" Lauren said.

"You're an idiot, I'll literally take you phone from you if you can't drive responsibly. Now get the fuck in the car, I want to get back in time for lunch." Camila paused. "Give me your phone." She stuck her hand out.

"Camz," Lauren laughed.

"I'm serious, Lo," Camila said, cracking a small smile. Sure, she could joke about it because she knew Lauren was responsible but she didn't want to even think about what would happen if her girlfriend wasn't so careful.

"Here," Lauren handed over her phone.

"Good. Come here," Camila said. Lauren walked over and Camila's hands cupped Lauren's cheeks. Their lips connected sweetly. "I love you so much, don't scare me like that."

"I love you too," Lauren said on Camila's lips as they leaned in for yet another kiss.

"Today, Camren!" Dinah's voice rang out. When the couple turned around, they realized everyone was already in the cars. They made their way to their respective doors and got in.

"Alright," Lauren said, checking her mirrors. "Mani, you're in charge of the music."

"Hey! I thought you said I could control the music this time!" Camila protested.

"I'd rather not listen to Taylor Swift for an hour straight," Lauren joked, high-fiving Normani.

"Assholes," Camila mumbled.

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