Chapter Eleven

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"Mami!" Camila exclaimed, bursting through the door, embracing her mother. The girls had landed in Miami just under an hour ago, and wasted no time in making their way to the Jauregui home, where both of the families were. Sinu, Camila's mom, hugged her daughter back.

"Clara, the girls are here!" Sinu called out to Lauren's mother. Lauren stood at the door, heart warming at the sight of her girlfriend and girlfriend's mother.

"Lauren, sweetie, come here!" Clara said, emerging from the kitchen. Lauren was quick to oblige and basically jumped into her moms arms like Camila had done moments ago.

After they parted, both moms hugged the other girl. The two families had been very close ever since Camila and Lauren had become best friends. Clara and Sinu were best friends and so were Mike and Alejandro, their dads. Their siblings got along well, too. Christmas together wasn't out of the ordinary, the two families and made it a point to spend holidays together. If there wasn't underlying sexual tension between Lauren and Camila throughout high school, they'd probably think of themselves like sisters. Instead, they were always just really close friends.

The four of them made their way to the kitchen table, each girl sitting next to their respective mothers.

"Where's everyone?" Lauren asked.

"They're all out getting the food for tomorrow" Clara answered, eyes narrowing  on Lauren's. "What's this I hear about you dating a beautiful girl like Camila and your mom having to find out through her friends? Camila was gracious enough to let her parents know of the relationship but you weren't?" Camila couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Lauren tensing up. Even though it was blatantly obvious she was joking around with Lauren, Lauren still got all nervous. It made Camila think back to when they were in high school and Lauren was in trouble. Clara never waisted time putting on an intimidating front, scaring the crap out of Lauren, before laughing and reminding Lauren of her place. Lauren never really did anything to her get in trouble, so things such as being a little late for her curfew made Lauren's palms sweaty.

The Cabello's and the Jauregui's were very similar. A result of that was the girls being brought up the same. They had the same values, beliefs, the had the same responsibility, and freedom. Because of this, Lauren and Camila found it easy to always be together, whether it be a party or the mall, they always made the same choices, they know what their parents would think, and the consequences associated with their actions. Neither of the parents were very strict. Sure, at the beginning, they were worried that they were giving the girls too much freedom and the consequences for their actions weren't harsh enough but as time went on but in the long run, Lauren and Camila learned a lot on their own and were less tempted than their friends to rebel. The girls were grateful for this, they had witnessed, first hand, many of their friends crack under the pressure of their own parents and it negatively effected them.

"Mom," Lauren groaned, " It hasn't even been two months yet, it's not like I've been keeping it a secret for years. Plus I was gonna tell you in person"

"Mhm, likely story" Clara hit Lauren in the arm with the back of her hand and then turned to Camila. "I'm going to start calling you every month instead of Lauren, maybe you'll tell me things."

"I wouldn't mind that actually, I've missed you a lot, Clara" Camila said honestly, she was like a second mom to her.

"Oh come on, you're gonna fall for that, Mom? She's trying to one up me!" Lauren protested, before her mom cut in.

"Bullshit or not, at least she tells me she misses me!" Clara answered. Camila was laughing now.

"Not here for twenty minutes and you too are already causing trouble! Don't you miss this, Clara?" Sinu spoke. No matter how much teasing went on, the girls really did miss home and their home missed them just as much.

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