Chapter Seven

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Camila woke up cuddled into Lauren's side with a heavy duvet over them. She rolled over to face Lauren and couldn't help but admire how peaceful the girl looked in the morning. She gave Lauren a peck on the side of her mouth got out of bed slowly. Once she shuffled out of Lauren's embrace and the blanket, she threw her legs over the bed and walked over to the large window in Lauren's room. Camila rummaged through Lauren's drawers and found some shorts to put on. She closed the blinds, remembering how tired her sort-of-girlfriend was last night and wanted to prolong her slumber as best as she could. Camila walked back to the bed, pulled the blanket up to Lauren's neck, and was on her way.

She walked into the kitchen, stretching as she found her seat around the kitchen island.

"Morning, guys" she yawned.

"Mila, it's tomorrow" Normani leaned over on the counter with a mug in her hand.

"Pretty sure it's today?" Camila questioned more than stated.

"She's right," Dinah called from the other side of the kitchen. "you said you'd explain all of that." Dinah moved her index finger around and Camila quickly remembered the hickey on her neck as well as the promise she made last night.

"Maybe we could wait for Ally, or for me to talk to Lauren first?" Camila tried compromising.

"You wish! Ally can find out when she's back in town! Come on, spill!"

"Fine!" Camila groaned. "What do you want to know?"

"Who, what, when, where, why, and how?" Normani was quick to answer and then proceeded to give Dinah a low-five.

"Me and Lauren kissed three days ago, in her car, because we wanted to, and with our mouths. All done here?" Camila made a mental note to fill Lauren in on the conversation later on.

"What about that hickey? Are you guys dating? What does this mean?" Dinah asked.

"Ithappenedyesterdayinthebathroomstallatthehockeygame" Camila mumbled, howling she wouldn't have to explain further.

"Pardon me? Is that Spanish?" Dinah laughed at her own joke, high-fiving with Normani once again.

"You're hilarious. Lauren had to pee, I went with her, and we ended up kissing a little in the stall. Ugh, guys do you really need to know everything?" Camila stressed the last part.

"Yeah we do, and you're softer than Lauren so at least we'll be able to get it out of you" Normani answered but Dinah nodded in agreement. "So are you guys dating? I mean I know you guys like each other"

"No, no, we're not dating, were kinda letting what happens happen because if we rush into anything it could ruin something great. We want the gain to be bigger than the risk" Camila's lips curled at the thought of the conversation she had with Lauren about where they stood. She had imagined them being official on a few occasions but was more than content with playing it safe for now. "How'd you know we liked each other? Did Dinah tell you?"

"Mila, I've known since high school!"

"Hey I haven't liked her for that long!"

"You may have not been aware, but you for sure did. " Dinah looked to Normani for approval and she just shook her head 'yes'.

"Whatever, you guys are crazy"

"I'm just glad you're willing to give it a chance, we've all been rooting for you guys." Dinah shrugged, she just wanted her friends to be happy and them together equated to happiness in her mind; she hoped she was right.

"Me too" Camila answered simply.

"You up to anything today?" Normani asked. "I feel like I haven't seen you two in forever. "

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