Chapter Four

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The clacking of her black stilettos made all five girls turn around. Camila walked out from her room in wearing a peach coloured outfit that consisted of a sleeveless turtleneck top that left her midriff out for display and a high waisted skirt that extended to her knees.

"Camila, I'm gonna need you to lay on the counter for a little." Lauren stood in the kitchen with a pan in one hand and a spatula in the other.

"What? Why?"

"I figured if I cook the eggs on something hotter than the stove, they'll be ready faster" Lauren grinned ear to ear. Camila walked over to the couch and hurled a pillow at her best friend.

"I have no words" Ally shook her head.

"That's not even how food works, Lo" Dinah added.

"Mila, why you so dressed up?" Normani poked her head up from the couch she had been laying on.

"My parents are going on vacation and they made their connection here so we could have dinner tonight before they leave tomorrow. Do I look okay?" Camila asked.

Lauren looked up and caught a glimpse of Camila closer. Her hair was wavy. It made sense, earlier that day Lauren had braided it. Camila never wore her hair this differently and Lauren suddenly wished she did more often. Light makeup and a natural lip complemented the vibe she had going. Lauren had figured she missed something when she looked up from Camila to see four eyes studying her intently.

"What?" Lauren questioned.

"Do I look okay?" Camila repeated.

"Yeah, you look great, you should do your hair like that more often." Lauren's confidence from before suddenly disappeared and she was kicking herself, silently asking what happened. She redirected her attention to the eggs she had just made and started eating. Camila glanced at her watch.

"Shit, I'm late. Goodnight guys, don't wait up!" Camila called, grabbing her purse and coat.

"You're going out with your parents, how late can you possibly be out?" Dinah asked.

"True." Camila went over to the table where Lauren sat distracted on her phone. She reached and grabbed Lauren's hand that gripped her fork and redirected the piece of egg into her mouth. "Thanks, Laur" She managed to say with a full mouth. Camila was halfway out the door when she heard her friend yell back at her.



Camila hadn't realized how much she missed her family until they were waiting for their dessert and she checked the time on her phone. It read 10:37 but also displayed 8 unread texts from Lauren. She unlocked her phone and began to scroll down the chat.

Lauren (7:12): Camila Cabello who do you think you are?

Lauren (7:13): Why can't you eat your own eggs?

Lauren (7:48): I ate almost an hour ago and I'm still hungry. There's a hole in my stomach the size of exactly one mouthful. I wonder where that mouthful went

Lauren (8:32): I hate you

Lauren (8:35): You might think I'm overreacting but you can't just get away with eating my food.

Lauren (8:40): If you weren't with your parents I would think you're ignoring me. IT'S NOT LIKE YOU ANSWER YOUR TEXTS ANYWAYS.

Lauren (9:01): If it wasn't clear, I expect you to pick up eggs on the way home.

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