Chapter Twelve

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"Lauren, Seth asked about you." Dinah said. The five girls were sitting around their living room, filling each other in on their Christmas break. Ally spoke about spending much needs time with her parents and her boyfriends family, and how they finally met each other. Normani told them about how her entire family got together and how surprised she was that they all made the trip. Dinah explained how she met some of her brothers and sisters significant others so, like Normani, there were a ton of people at their Christmas celebration this year. Camila and Lauren gave them the run down of their own trip, casually leaving out the plane sex.

"HE DID?!?" Both Camila and Lauren screamed, lunging forward slightly in their seats. Camila was on Lauren's lap and quickly grabbed at Lauren's arm when she realized she was about to fall off her lap.

"You okay, babe?" Lauren laughed at her girlfriend almost falling.

"I'm great" Camila shot back, throwing her legs back over Lauren's. She felt Lauren's hand slip up the back of her shirt, resting on her bare skin. Little, innocent touches like this made Camila's heart explode in her chest. Camila was never particularly cold but Lauren's skin was always so warm and the contrast was comforting. Lauren placed her lips against Camila's cheek and Camila relaxed into Lauren. This had to be one of her favourite positions, sitting sideways on Lauren's lap, because Lauren would literally hold her.

"Anyways," Dinah laughed, "I have this video for you" Dinah extended her arm, handing it to Lauren. She pressed play once she was sure Camila could see as well.

"Hi Lolo," Seth, Dinah's two year old brother's voice came from the phone and soon he was on the screen too. He had a little bit of chocolate on his cheek and a chocolate bar in the other hand.

"You're on video, I'll show it to her!" Dinah was heard. Seth's eyes lit up and he smiled brightly.

"Lolo, I miss you so much come visit me!" His words were slurred and he didn't annunciate due to his age but Lauren understood every word. "Love youuu" He said before running off and the video paused.

Camila looked at Lauren. He eyes were wide in adoration and her lips were curled upwards.

"This is by far the most precious thing I've ever seen, D. I'm lowkey considering flying to go see him right now" Dinah laughed.

"He fell in love with you the second you met him, Lo. " Dinah turned to Camila. "With the look on Lauren's face you might have some competition."

"Yeah and Seth would win" Lauren joked and Camila punched her arm.

"He's always glued to you whenever you see each other, it's kinda unfair." Camila stated, a playful look of distress on her face.

"Well maybe you're mean and you scare any kid that sees you." Lauren shrugged. "I mean if I saw you punching people the way you punch me, I wouldn't wanna be friends with you too" Dinah and Normani were laughing from their seats. Ally would be, too, but she was focused on her laptop at the moment. The girls lived for this stuff, Lauren and Camila's bickering was arguably more entertaining than anything they would find on TV.

"Wow, alright, if we're not friends I guess I should get off." Camila began climbing off Lauren and was almost successful until Lauren grabbed the waistband of her shorts from behind, pulling her back on Lauren. "Excuse me!"

"You're excused" Lauren said, placing a kiss on her jaw.

"You call me mean and I'm not supposed to be mad at you?" Camila asked.

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