Chapter Six

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"What do you want, Lo" Both girls were now lying in Lauren's bed. Camila's head on Lauren's chest, Lauren's hands in Camila's hair, Camila focuses on Lauren's breathing, and legs tangled between sheets. It was dark and warm, the moon dimly lit the room through the windows. There was no music on, and other than the occasional question or statement, it was silent.

"What do you mean?" Lauren spoke, shifting a little to better look at the girl on her.

"You said you wanted something meaningful, but you don't really believe in love so what's your definition of meaningful? " Lauren took a second to think, she never really articulated this before.

"I do believe in love, just not happy endings, you know? It's like I said when we watched The Notebook, it always ends and someone's left hurt. Even Noah and Allie, they died together and stuff but Noah had to endure his wife not even recognizing him. The odd occasion she did, he was  overjoy, but it's bullshit that those five seconds made up for anything." Camila turned her head, now fully looking at Lauren. "By meaningful, I mean something that you feel secure in, someone you feel safe with. By meaningful, I mean someone that you know everything about but still want to know more. I want to wake up and have them on my mind before anything else. I want to be afraid of how much I think about them, or how much I care about them, or how much I want them, or how much I love them. I want to find myself questioning every aspect of my life, and trying to figure out how any of it made sense before them. I don't want all the things I've already had, some fling or one night stand, I want," Lauren paused, trying to find the right words "I want a one life stand" Camila started laughing.

"One life stand?" Camila repeated "Lauren, that's the cheesiest thing ever, where do you come up with this stuff?" Lauren shoved her playfully in response to the question but waited until she was back in the same position as before to continue.

"It's weird though, half of me doesn't believe in happy ever after while the other half wants to find someone who's going to give me exactly that, or at least make me believe it's possible." Lauren's hand moved down to Camila's back, her fingertips lightly moved up an down.

"Hm" Was all that came out of Camila. Lauren's answer troubled her and it took everything in her not to let it ruin their night. She checked the time on her phone, 12:57 it read, or morning.

"Lauren, you said you were trying to kiss me all day, does that mean" her voice trailed off. Camila wasn't even sure what she was asking so she didn't expect Lauren to either.

"Yeah, I like you, if that's what you're asking"

"Well I'd hope so" Camila said laughing. "I meant what changed?"

"You wore leggings yesterday."

"Come onnnnnnn" Camila lifted her hand to jokingly hit Lauren's stomach but her hand accidentally landed on Lauren's boob.

"I kiss you and now you're already trying to cop a feel."

"You're such a dick, it's one in the morning, I'm tired, and I've never been coordinated, cut me some slack, Jauregui" Camila groaned

"Never, Cabello"

"Then at least answer my question?" Camila wined.

"No sorry"

"Fine, later" Camila pushed herself off the bed but Lauren grabbed onto her hand, pulling Camila back onto her. Neither of them expected the force Lauren pulled her with and somehow Camila had ended up right on top of Lauren. Their bodies pressed together and their faces extremely close. They hadn't kissed again since that first time in the car, yet both of them thought about it many times.

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