Chapter Twenty Three

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Domestic was the first word that invaded Lauren's mind when she felt Camila's bare body relax against her. They had just gotten back from an afternoon of snow-filled activities outdoors and were in need of warmth. Camila suggested a bath and Lauren agreed, even though she knew the warmth she'd be getting wouldn't be from the water but, instead, from her girlfriend.

Lauren ran her hands up and down Camila's arms, the water swooshing with every movement. Camila sat between Lauren's legs, her hair up in a bun, the smell of Lauren and the bubbles, filled her ears.

Camila stopped the movement of girlfriend's hands with her own and wrapped Lauren's arms around her body.

"You're so beautiful," Lauren announced, placing a gentle kiss on Camila's shoulder.

"You can't even see my under all these bubbles," Camila pointed out, leaning her head back as if inviting Lauren to explore more skin.

Lauren got the message and moved up, working her way up to Camila's neck. "I can feel you, that's what matters." Lauren's hand found Camila's and intertwined their fingers. "I could be blind and with one kiss, or one touch, I'd still be sure you're the most beautiful girl in the world." Camila turned her head to the side and kiss Lauren. It was short lived but very soft and very passionate. "I love you so much, Camila."

"You can't do this to me," Camila said, softly. "You can't make me fall more and more in love with you all the time because just when I think I can't love you more and when you're the most incredible person in the world, you turn around and say stuff like that."

"I think you're watching too many Nicholas Spark's movies." Lauren laughed and Camila responded by elbowing her in the gut lightly. "Hey!"

"Way to ruin the moment, Lo." Camila chuckled.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, we can make it cute again, though," Lauren suggested, pulling Camila closer to her.

"How?" She challenged.

"Tell me what our family is going to be like," Lauren suggested.

"So by we, you meant me?" Camila teased.

"Fine, I'll go, I just thought since you like hearing your own voice so much,"

"Hey!" Camila cut her off, moving away from Lauren so quickly that it formed a huge wave in the tub that went spilled onto the floor. "That was not my fault!" She was quick to defend.

"Come back here and I'll talk." Camila nodded and found her position between Lauren's legs once more. "I, for one, think our family is going to be nothing less than adorable. I'm thinking two or three kids running around. I feel like you'd have the first because I'd be too scared and the first would come out with green eyes and the second with your chocolate ones. They could have their rooms next to each other but with one of those Jack and Jill bathrooms connecting their rooms; but that might be a problem when they're older." Lauren laughed. "And our room would be on the other side of the hall because you snore pretty loud and I wouldn't want to wake up little Lauren Jr one and Lauren Jr two."

"Back the fuck up, you were doing so well! I don't snore and we're not naming our kids after you."

"What are we naming our kids then?" Lauren asked.

"I don't fucking know, but not Lauren Jr."Camila protested.

"Fine, whatever, sorry I'm preparing for our future," Lauren stuck her tongue out and Camila responded with a kiss. "Suburbs or city?"

"Loft in the city when it's you and me but then a townhouse in the city with kids. It's the best of both worlds." Camila nodded, manipulating Lauren's fingers under the water.

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