chapter 4

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Luis's POV

When we got out of Drake's truck i seen it,a two story log cabin house with a old style chimney and a porch that wraped all the way around the front of the house.

There was even the old typicall blood hound, sitting on the porch, laying their like he was waiting for another biscuit.

I laughed at the dog and ran up too it and started scratching behind its huge floppy ears, saying "who's a pretty girl, while moving to scratch her belly."

"Her name is little Ann; and before you ask, yes it is from the movie were the red furn grows" he laughs then walks up to the dog and scratches her head and tells the dog "you sure are a lazy little shit arent you!"

Standing up and walking into the house he turned around "are you going to come play call of duty zombies, or just stay out here and molest my dog"

"well naturally I would go with the most attractive one" i laughed and followed him inside blushing.

I just called him attractive and he thought i was joking with him ughh. I can tell jamie and sebastion i was gay but i cant tell drake isnt that insane, I thought to myself .

I walked in behind him, took off my shoes, and my jaw dropped, his house was gorgeous.

It had ceder hard wood floors, shining beautifully red when the sun hits it, the cedar post walls, just like the floor was shining from the polished wood.

Their was a brown bear pelt infront of the bright red bricks of the fireplace that looked like it hasnt had a fire in it ever, above the fire place was a beautiful gun below a 15 point buck,and pictures on every wall.

We walked up the carpet covered stairs,(the carpet was the color of white sand but as soft as a cloud under my feet),When we got to the end of the hall we turned to the left.

walking into his room i was impressed by all the drawings on the wall.

Drakes POV

"Wow did you draw these yourself!" Luis asked looking at my drawings,"yea i dont think i did to good on them, but my mom insisted i hung them up"

"Are you fucking kidding me, these look like they need to be in a art museum" he looked at them closer and was just awestruck by my drawings, wich of course made me blush that somone besides my mom liked my drawings.

" you ready to get your ass kicked in zombies, theirs no way u can kill more than me."

"You wanna bet" he said loudly and turning around so fast he made me jump,"what kind of bet" i say raising a eyebrow.

"the loser has to do or say  something they secretly wanna do," i think about it for a second, "deal" i say confidently we shake hands and start the game.

Luis's POV

I lost the bet so Drake rubbed it in my face of course "hahah told you, ide win, now what you gonna do or say."

I think to myself for a second,  just do it,thats why you made this bet and lost on purpose, dont chicken out now.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath,then open them and say
" your right i did lose now you ready for my end of the deal."

He moves beside me on the bed and sits on his leg so he can face me

Eager to know what im going to do he leans closer, and waits thinking im going to tell him something (wich i am after he gets the surprise of his life) "well" he says laughing.

Without warning or even a second thought, i grab the back of his head and pull him close into a kiss.

At first he was saprised, then he closed his eyes and relaxed, I  nibbled on his bottom lip, wanting him to open his mouth so i could slide my tongue in.

He opens his mouth and i do just that, I slid my tongue in his mouth.

It was like our tongues were two people dancing together perfectly.

I pull away and he looks shocked, excited and disappointed all at the same time.

wiping my mouth i say "my secret is im gay, and i wish you were with me and not my sister.

She dosnt even like you,shes only with you so she dosnt have to walk to school.

She tells me that everytime i ask her why shes with you, and you dont deserve that."

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