chapter 2

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Luis's POV

I can't back out of this so here this goes, "I'm gay, I'm sorry I haven't told you guys,I was to afraid." both Jamie and Sebastian's jaw drops.

I hang my head down in shame and just think, their not going to talk to me ever again.

Jamie finally closes her mouth, replacing it with a smile she says, "That's awsome I never would have known, this is so exciting, you just seem so..."

"Straight." finishing her sentence I use my hand to close Sebastian mouth and say "Are you waiting for flies?"

"No I'm sorry I didn't expect that to come from you." Sebastian says as he smiles

He has the most adorable smile I've ever seen why can't he be gay, I know he isn't though, I hope he isn't disgusted by me.

" I'm so sorry I didn't tell you I was gay, you probably hate me now." I say as I start to walk away.

Before I can even take a step away, Sebastian grabs the back of my shirt and stops me.

He hugs me and says, "I still love you bro," My heart skips three beats when I hear that, "So you don't hate me?" I question staring into his incredible emerald green eyes.

"Why would I hate you? You're my best friend in the whole world, no offense Jamie." he says and winks at her."None taken." she replies back and winks to.

The bell rings and let's us know that lunch break was over and it's time to go back to prison.

Sebastian's POV

Oh My God I can't believe it,I was wrong,he's actually gay, now I can't stop smiling.

I walk into the classroom with Luis, who hasn't noticed me still smiling thank God, and I set in the back behind Luis like I always did and instantly start day dreaming.

The tardy bell rings and interrupts my fantasy, I was fantasizing about Luis and the bell had to ruin it, "The bell has rung, everyone shut up so I can call roll" says the teacher.

He goes through the roll, and I'm the second to last "Sebastian",he calls out.

"Here as always Mr. Peters" I say as loud as I can just to piss him off cause he told me to shut up,he's such a dick ; I had him last year.

I was late to his class one day, when I walked in he looked at me with this look that cloud kill the grim reaper and said "Look who volunteered to erase the board after class is over."

Walking to my desk I laughingly say "Let me guess I'm the lucky one your talking about",he does a kind of growl and says "sit down and get out a piece of paper."

When class was over I had to erase the entire board,which by the way he purposely wrote as big as he could so I had to stay longer and work harder.

The whole time I was cleaning the board,he sat at his desk with his legs propped up, staring at me with a wicked grin, If I didn't know any better I'd say he was checking me out.

"Since it's only the first day I'll be nice, i want all of you to write a 700 word essay about what you did this spring break." Mr.Peters says.

"What!!!" the whole class says at once "How is that easy, are you insane, when is it due?" Drake says with activation in his tone. "At the end of the day, either get it done in class or take it home and and get a late grade." Mr.Peters says.

Drakes POV
"Are you serious" I say pushing my glasses back on my nose. Without waiting for an answer Lucy smiles and says "Come on uncle Leo that's just a bit to much for the first day, can you please make it 500 at least."

Lucy is Mr.Peters niece by marriage, when Lucy's dad got remarried to Amanda she got stuck with Mr.Peters,(aka Leo Peters )

" I guess I can do that for you baby girl." Mr.Peters says smiling walking to his desk and sits down.

Turning around I whisper "Thanks babe."

Theres no way hes gayWhere stories live. Discover now