Chapter 4: Fallen Angels

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Everybody gasped. Including me and Leighton.

"You-You-You're a-a-a..." Andy stuttered, sounding even more confused than he looked.

"Fallen Angel?" Rayne suggested.

"Yea... WAIT! You can talk!?" Ashley went wide-eyed.

"Yeaaaaaa!" Rayne rolled his eyes, like it was weird that they were asking that question.

Which it wasn't because he had been writing on my notebook the whole entire time he was on the bus... Not talking like he just proved he could.

"Why do I have wings Rayne?" I asked him, a little nervous and extremely terrified.

"You're a fallen angel, Ryan..." Rayne explained. "And you too Leighton. You girls and I were sent down here for a reason, as well as the other fallen angels."

"Why?" Leighton asked, looking pissed off.

"I don't know," Rayne shrugged. "All I know is that we were sent down here and we were taken in by different families. Me and Ryan were twins, and our 'parents' were looking to adopt and found us on the street, our wings tattered and torn off of our bodies. Leighton's brother was 3 when he found Leighton, and saw the black that was laying there, pratically attached to your body. He rescued you and named you Leigh Leigh which your 'parents' named you Leighton."

"Why'd they name me Ryan?" I asked, surprised that he knew this all, but I didn't.

"Because your wings say RyRy on them..." Rayne said, pointing to my black wings. I looked at them, and noticed that in red the wings said RyRy on them.

"So, they just assumed that it meant Ryan?" I asked, looking into Rayne's eyes, which I now noticed were black and red. "Are my eyes...?"

"Yes, they are black and red," Rayne sighed. "I didn't want you to find out like this, but obviously God wanted you to know, and I had never gotten around to telling what with all that happened to mom and shit..."

"Wow," I muttered, amazed.

"Okay," Andy sighed, running a hand through his long black hair. "What's going on with us?" He suggested to BS and the tour buses.

"Well," I smiled. "Me and Leighton are staying on the tour bus with BS and Rayne'll be staying with you guys! If it wasn't obvious!"

"Where are you guys going to sleep?" Caleb asked, flipping his hair out of his face.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked. "Me in the middle on the left, Leighton in the middle on the right, Caleb above me, Layne above Leighton, Amanda below Leighton, and Jakob below me!"

"DAMNIT!" Jakob groaned.

We laughed. I knew that Jakob hated the bottom because he sleep walked more often on the bottom then on the top. "Fine!" I groaned. "Caleb below me and Jake above me! Happy?!"

"As a clam!" Jakob smiled, bopping me on the head. I rolled my eyes, but laughed anyway.

"You're such a loser, Jakey!" I laughed at him.

"I hoped you would notice!" He smiled brightly at me.

"Oh, no Jakob Les Black!" I backed up. "You will NOT do anything to me! Last time you got that smile, you threw me into a pool!"

He walked slowly up to me, making me slowly back up. "NO!" I turned around and started to run, but he caught my waist and slammed me onto his shoulder, walking over to Andy (by this time, my wings were gone) and throwing me onto his lap, making me cling on for dear life.

We had to have been there for like two years, because I heard CC walk in, and recite an "awww!" making us jump away from eachother, me surely blushing.

I realized that everybody was staring at us. I looked into Andy's ice blue eyes, and blushed all over again.

Leighton was the one that broke the silence. "You guys are two cute together!"

"Totally!" was Jakob's reply. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door.

I sensed something so I put my ear up to the door and listened in on the conversation.

"You guys are really cute together though," Leighton said, I could almost hear her holding her hands up like she was sighing dreamily.

"Shut up!" Andy groaned, sounding aggravated. "I don't like her, okay! I hate her! She's a bitch, a stupid self-centered one at that!"

"If she heard you dude," Rayne said lowly. "She'd give you one! And a good one too!"

Man, was he right.

"A stupid, self-centered, BITCH?!" I screamed, walking out of the bathroom and straight up to Andrew Biersack. "Says the arrogant conceted asshole that doesn't know when to stop talking about a girl when she slaps you! You are a DICK!" I slapped him hard on the cheek once again, blood pouring from his cheek bone. "Teaches you to mess with a chick that has fucked up mood swings, asshole!"

"What the FUCK, Ryan!" Leighton screamed. "You just cut up my bay boy's face!" She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Got a problem?" I asked her, rolling my eyes. "I don't give a shit!"


We were now sitting down at the dinner table, eating our chinese food. Me and Leightonwith shrimp fried rice and orange chicken, Andy with shrimp fried rice, the rest of the bands with fried rice and beef with broccoli.

"Soooooooooooooo..." Leighton dragged the so on.

A few more minutes of awkward silence before me and Leighton both stated, "You can put your weed in there!"

We looked at eachother, then immediately burst out laughing.

"Where?" Rayne asked, knowing what the joke was.

"Your face!" We laughed as we said it simultaneously.

"Oh, sweet!" He laughed, and took his chop sticks, stuffing them into his mouth, pretending it's weed.

"Huh?" The rest of them asked, obviously clueless.

"Adam Sandler was in The Hot Chick, and he played this dude that loved to play on his drums and was a weed addict, and everytime there was something that you could supposedly put your weed in, he's point that out saying, exactly like this, 'you can put your weed in there,' I loved it!" I explained.

"Oh," CC replied shortly.


Amanda: Drummer

Caleb: Lead Guitarist

Jakob: Keyboard-ist? and guitarist

Layne: Bassist :)

(Now on with the rest of the chapter)

"Yup..." Rayne sighed.

"Rawr, I'm a dinosaur..." I said, as if I weren't paying attention to anything at all, just staring out the window.

"What?" Andy asked, his long hair bouncing on his face, making him look even cuter.

WAIT! Did I just say that.

Answer? Yes, yes I did.

A/N: Sorry it's so short lovelies! :) ~Re~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2011 ⏰

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