Chapter 13

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Emma picked up her phone and saw the text from Neal or the guy that she still didn't know the name of. She had to go. No matter what Killian thought. She had to keep Neal at bay. She had to meet him at 6:00 in an alley, and she couldn't bring anyone.

She grabbed her keys and a jacket. "Killian I'm going to go get ice cream. What do you want?" She asked.

He was watching a baseball game and she used that to her advantage. He wouldn't leave in the middle of a game. "Vanilla love."

Emma nodded and kissed his cheek. "I'll be back."

"I love you!" He said as she walked to the door.

"I love you too." She said with a smile. Guilt. Guilt was all she could feel. She promised that she wouldn't go, but here she was, going to a dark alley with no weapon and no one to protect her, to see the guy who has attempted murder, kidnapped people, and finally stalking them. Pulling up outside of the alley, Emma stopped the car and saw two figures at the end of it.

"Emma! So nice to see you!" Neal said holding his arms out.

"Killian doesn't know about this, does he?" The second figure asked. She remembered hearing his voice somewhere, but couldn't place her finger on it.

She shook her head. "No. H-he doesn't." She could hear her heartbeat in her ears.

Neal ran up to Emma and pinned her on the wall. "Good. He better not find out."

"He won't. I have no intention of telling him." Good thing she was a good liar.

Neal opened his mouth and sucked on her neck as if he was a vampire that wanted blood. She screamed, but he clamped his hand down on her mouth. She kicked him in his area and he fell to his knees in pain. Before the guy who came with Neal could jump into action, Emma was already in her car driving away.

"What do you want to do sir?" He asked Neal who was on the ground on his knees.

"This will not go unpunished. For every action there is consequences." Neal said.

"Do you want me to kill Killian?"

"You've learned a lot Mr. Will Scarlett my boy." Neal said standing up and patting Will's back. "No. I have a better idea."

Emma went to the ice cream shop and got two vanilla ice creams in a bowl. She paid the nice blonde woman and jumped in her car. Going home wouldn't be a smart idea, but Killian would know something was up. She checked her neck and unfortunately a hickey began to form. She covered it up with her hair and went inside.

The living room was empty, and Emma started getting nervous. Did Neal do something to Killian? She set the ice cream down on the island and went into the bedroom. She found him sitting on the bed playing his guitar.

"You scared me Killian." Emma said with her hand over her heart.

"Why love?" He asked looking up at her.

"I thought something had happened to you."

"No. Sadly you are stuck with me." He said with a smile.

She smiled back. She sat on the bed in front of him. "I feel so guilty."

"Wait Swan, before you say anything, did you get the ice cream?"

Emma laughed. "I did. It's on the counter in the kitchen."

Killian jumped up and ran out of the room like a five year old. He walked back in the room with his ice cream in his hands. "So what do you feel guilty about?" He asked scooping some ice cream onto his spoon.

Emma opened her mouth to talk but he cut her off.

"What the hell is that?" He asked pointing to her neck.

She looked down and her hair wasn't covering her neck anymore.

"Are you, are you cheating on me?" He asked with difficulty.

"No no it's not that! I love you Killian. I promise that I'm not cheating on you."

"Then explain the hickey Swan."

"I went to see him." Emma said looking down. "I didn't think that he would try anything." Tears welled in her eyes. "I should have listened to you. If I hadn't kicked him off, who knows what could have happened to me. I'm sorry."

He bent down and put his hands on her knees. She tilted her head up to look at him. "I'm not mad, just please tell me before you do that again. Don't cry love."

Emma nodded her head.

Killian sat next to her and placed the ice cream on the floor. He pushed her back onto the bed so she was laying down.

"Killian what are you doing?" Emma asked slightly nervous.

"Covering that up." He said with a smirk and an evil glint in his eye.

"Really? With what?"

"Well you see Swan, you are my girlfriend. Nobody else gets to touch you." He pinned her arms above her head and leaned into her ear. "You are mine, and if that son of a bitch ex boyfriend of yours thinks that a small mark on your neck is enough to keep me away, then he has another thing coming."

Killian put his mouth over the mark that Neal left. He was marking Emma as his.




Emma woke up to her text message notification going off. She felt strong arms around her waist, and it was dark outside. She reached over to her phone that was sitting beside her on the table. She blindly unlocked it and saw a picture that terrified her.

There she and Killian were, laying in the bed from earlier that day. Emma was underneath and Killian was on top. It was the picture of the first love mark that he left earlier in the day. She looked over and the curtains were open. A message popped up underneath the picture.

'I wonder what he thought you were doing to get that. Always remember to draw the blinds. You never know who could be watching.'

Creepy or what? Neal is a complete crazy weirdo right? If you didn't know, I published another book called "Falling For A Star." I am co-writing it with @Audrica.

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