Chapter 22

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Killian woke up the next morning to something tickling his face. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Emma's hair. He smirked and wrapped his arms around her. Her phone buzzed and he looked over. A message from Neal. Killian looked at the digital clock beside him.

"Who is awake at 4:30 in the morning?" He whispered.

He reached over and grabbed Emma's phone.

'Get him away from you Emma. You don't want him to see what's on your neck and chest, do you?'

Killian furrowed his eyebrows at the text message. He moved Emma's hair away from her neck, and there was a trail of hickeys on her neck that disappeared under her shirt. Emma moved her head and Killian quickly moved away. When he did, he saw her eyes that were filled with tears.

"I'm sorry." She whispered through the sobs.

"How did you get out?" Killian asked. He didn't seem mad, but just curious.

"Last night after we got out of the bathroom, you fell asleep. Neal kept bombarding me with text messages about our meeting. I told him that you were asleep and that was the only way that I was going to be able to meet up with him." More tears fell from Emma's eyes. Killian kept wiping them away. "When I got there, he cornered me."

"Swan, did he..." Killian trailed off.

Emma shook her head. "No. He knows that I can get him caught if he did. All that happened was the hickeys." She said sitting up. "Killian, I'm so sorry. I was an idiot. I just don't want to lose you."

He sat up and Emma cried harder. "He's so pissed at me. I couldn't imagine why he wouldn't be."

But what he did, surprised her.

Killian stood up and went over to Emma and kneeled down in front of her. "Emma, why did you go?"

"I told you. I can't lose you. I lost my parents at the same time Killian. I love you so much."

Killian wrapped his arms around Emma. She hugged him back.

"I'm mad Emma." He said and more tears slipped off her face. "But not at you."

"You have every right to be. I didn't listen to you."

"Emma I am not your father. I am your boyfriend. I don't control what you do. Like you said before, you aren't my property." Killian said.

Emma looked over at the clock. "It's 5:00, you should get ready for school."

He shook his head. "I want to talk."

"You're gonna be late!"

"I don't care. Swan, please talk to me."

Emma sighed. "What do you want to talk about Jones?"

"I want to know what you were thinking. And don't say that you did it for me."

"I was thinking that I didn't want anybody else to die. I need to protect the ones I love."

"That's a wall Emma. Look past it."

Emma stood up and walked out of the room. Killian chased after her.

"Swan, cmon. What is the real reason you went out there?" Killian asked turning her around to face him.

"I already told you! I don't want to lose you! I would rather die than have you die. You mean so much to me."

"And you think that you don't mean a lot to me? Swan you are my world."

"Whatever. You have school to get to." Emma said then walked into the bedroom. She laid down on the bed and stared off into space.

Killian hadn't bothered her for the rest of the morning. Before he left for school, he took a glance upwards and saw Emma leaning in the doorway. She walked to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you." She whispered in his ear.

"I love you too. I don't want to leave you. I'm worried."

Emma sighed. "I know. Call me after every class. I'll be awake."

Killian nodded. "Okay love."

She kissed him one more time and then he left. She sat down in the bedroom and played on her phone for a little bit. She went on social media but was still bored out of her mind. Eventually the time came for Killian to call. Emma held her phone in her hands until it began to ring. When it did, she didn't waste one second to answer.

"How are you doing love?" Killian asked.

"Bored out of my mind. My head hurts a little bit too, but other than that I'm fine." Emma said.

"I know. I'll be home soon."

"It so boring here without you." She said in a whisper.

"Oh? And what would we do if I was there?" The smirk on his face was heard as he spoke.

"I don't know. What ever you want."

Killian chuckled. She heard the warning bell ring in the background, and knew that he had to go.

"I'll call you after class." He said.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

She hung up, but wasn't satisfied with the conversation. There was a knock at the door and Emma cautiously went over to the front door. She opened it and there was a vase full of flowers at her feet. She picked it up and set them down on the kitchen counter.

The vase was a beautiful gold and white color. It curved up at the top. The flowers inside were pink roses. There was a note tied to the brim.

'My love for you grows stronger each day. I hope you know that by now. From, Killian.'

Emma smiled and smelled the roses. The aroma of the flowers were wonderful. She left the flowers be and went back into the bedroom. She waited for Killian to come home. Each call was a checkpoint of time that Emma had passed.

When the front door did open, she greeted Killian with a hug and a kiss.

"I'm so glad that you're home! I missed you so much!" She said.

Killian pointed to the flowers. "Who did those come from?"

Emma looked at them and then him. "You."

"Swan, I didn't send you flowers." He walked over to them. "Neal must have sent them." He picked the vase up and threw it in the trash.

"I forgot about our deal. Not to believe anything unless you check with the other first. Im sorry. I'm just screwing up all over everything today." Emma said putting her head in her hands.

Killian came over to her and hugged her. "It's okay love. Hopefully we caught whatever Neal is doing before it could happen."

Emma nodded. She hugged him tighter, and he returned the favor.




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