19 - Surgery

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(A/N: for hints/clues as to what's happening or to see the chapter in other characters' eyes and opinions, check out the journals in our "always be together" reading list.)

Ally's POV:

I had been sitting in English when Monica threw a ball of paper at my
head. I slowly turned to look at her with an irritated look.

"Hey!" I whisper-yelled. She flinched from the sudden reaction.

"Hey!" she mocked. I rolled my eyes and continued listening to the teacher talk.

"Right Monica?" the teacher said insinuating that she knew she wasn't listening. I tried to hold back my laughter when she said yes and was wrong.

Later on, the bell rang and I had to go to math. I had remembered that I had to collect some school forms from the teacher.

I walked in with Monica and sat down in my seat. As the teacher began to teach, I started drawing little sketches in my notebook. One thing led to another, I found that I had drawn a big piece of glass. Weird, I know. I had absolutely no clue where that came from.

Later on, Mr. Reynolds handed out a practice sheet for the class to work on. As I was working, he came up to me and handed me a package.

"Okay Ms. Malik, I'm going to need these back all signed tomorrow," he said somewhat grumpily. I soon realized that my mum would be tending to Katie after her surgery so she would not have time and my father was just a hopeless case.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't get them back by then," I apologized and hoped he would be okay with it.

"Why not? Why is tomorrow not an option?" the short teacher asked seeming ticked off for no good reason in my opinion.

"M-my mom is at the hospital with my sister since she's having surgery today. She'll be very busy," I replied feeling a bit suffocated by him. He sighed looking around the classroom to keep calm.

"Does it really take that long to sign a few papers?" he looked cross as he said this. The class went silent. I sunk in my seat, playing with the edge of the envelope.

"No sir but-" I began but got cut off by Mr. Reynolds,

"I don't care if your mother is busy! Get your father to do it! It will be done by tomorrow!" The older teacher glared at me angrily.

"I don't know where my father is," I mumbled nervously finding a particular visual interest in anything but Mr. Reynolds. He huffed in frustration. He just walked away and sat down at his desk with nothing else to counter me with. I just continued to work on the practice sheet and try my best not to anger him further.

When I got home from school, Dad was nowhere to be seen. No kidding, I looked everywhere and he didn't even leave a note or
anything. I was supposed to get driven to the hospital by him. I scavenged through the house for him and found no hint as to where he had gone or if he left at all other than he just wasn't there.

A couple minutes later, I decided to call mum. I was sure she would've known where dad was.

Phone conversation:

P= Perrie A=Ally

P- hello?

A- hi mum, do you know where dad is?

P- No I don't. Was he your ride here?

A- yes and I can't find him anywhere at home.

P- I would drive you myself but the surgery's almost done. I might send Harry to come get you. Is that okay?

A- yeah. That's fine. I'll see you when I get there, bye.

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