Chapter Five

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Alright so first I want to start off by saying that I linked a video of Catch a Wave by the Beach Boys above^^ incase you wanna listen. (:

Second I want to say that I got up EXTRA early this morning so I could get some writing in before school so I could post it today when I got home. And I never purposefully wake up early. It just doesn't happen.

Thirdly I present to you Chapter Five!!!!

~Please excuse any and all mistakes~


My alarm clock blared loudly a familiar tune echoing out of it. It took me a second to place the song but, when I did a small smile formed on my face.

Catch a Wave by The Beach Boys.

I laid there quietly listening to the lyrics. I hummed along softly letting the music wash over me. I jumped as a loud pounding came from the other side of my wall.

"Turn that crap off Casper. Some of us like to sleep past dawn." Courtney yelled her voice muffled by the wall separating us. I rolled my eyes but, swung my legs over my bed and walked over to my dresser. I hit the "off" button on my alarm clock and rubbed my eyes trying to get the sleep out of them.

I walked tiredly in to the bathroom, across the hallway, and turned the facet on. I quickly splashed some water on my face and dried it off before grabbing my toothbrush. I leaned against the counter with my eyes closed lazily brushing my teeth.

When I finished I walked back into my room and grabbed a random pair of board shorts. They were gray and blue. I quickly threw them on before grabbing a gray shirt. I sniffed it and deemed that it was clean enough to wear.

Grabbing my backpack off of the floor by my door I shoved my wetsuit, phone, towel, an extra pair of white board shorts, and bottle of water off my dresser into it. I zipped it up before walking downstairs. Walking  into the kitchen I grabbed a banana, I quickly opened it and discarded the peel into the trashcan. Scarfing the banana down I walked outside to the shed. Unlocking it I walked in and grabbed my board before walking out and locking the shed back up. I tugged on the lock making sure it was actually locked; sometimes it gets stuck and doesn't lock. Satisfied when it didn't unlock I walked to the curb and sat down waiting for Eric.

I must have drifted off to sleep because, the next thing I know Eric's rusty blue truck is parked in front of me and he's honking the horn. Ugh, he's going to wake up the whole neighborhood. I winced as he impatiently honked the horn again. It sounded like a dying elephant mixed with the sound of a vulture that just found the best meal of it's life. Hurriedly standing up, I glared at him before walking to the back of the truck.

I tossed my board into the bed of the truck next to his before, hopping over the tailgate to tie it in place. When I was done tying it I hoped out of the tailgate and rounded the car to the passenger side. Opening the door I tiredly hopped in and lazily buckled my seatbelt as Eric started driving.

"Were you trying to wake up all my neighbors?" I drawled. He grinned a little shrugging his shoulders carelessly.

"Well I wouldn't of had to if you hadn't been snoozing on the curb." He retorted. I rolled my eyes at the excuse.

"Excuse me for being exhausted."

"You're excused brah." I sent him glare before leaning my head against the window.

"We gonna surf at the hotel?" Eric asked as I started to drift off again. I looked over at him in surprise. I hadn't even thought about going to the hotel. We'd probably be the only one's surfing there 'cause I doubt any of the hotels' guests would want to get up at the crack of dawn to surf.

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