Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys!! Here's another updaaate.

 Hope you enjoy Chapter Fifteen(:

~Please excuse any and all mistakes~


I opened the door ushering Raegan in before following in after her. I walked into the living room and didn't see anyone. Furrowing my eyebrows I checked around the house and found that it was completely empty.

"I don't know where everyone went." I admitted rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. Raegan laughed a little and shrugged her shoulders carelessly.

"We could always go get some food from Taco Bell, or something." She suggested. I put a hand over my chest in mock offense.

"Excuse me? I promised you a home cooked meal and that's exactly what you're going to get." I stated flicking her nose lightly, she wrinkled it in a adorable way and stuck her tongue out at me.

"And who's going to cook it?" She asked rhetorically. "You?" I shrugged my shoulders and smiled charmingly. Or at least I think it was charmingly, I probably looked like a constipated monkey.

"Yeah." I said confidently. "Got a problem with that?"

"I'd rather not get food poisoning." She stated crossing her arms over her chest. I rolled my eyes and ushered her into the kitchen.

"I happen to be an amazing cook." I said rolling my eyes at the doubtful look on her face. "Seriously. I am." I insisted. She sighed playfully and nodding her head in defeat.

"Alright but, if I die my grave stone is going to say 'Died from the horrendous cooking of Casper Reynolds." She said giving me a pointed look.

"Deal." I said happily, while grabbing a frying pan from the cupboard.

"Hey, what's this?" Raegan asked picking up a piece of paper from the counter. I narrowed my eyes as she handed it to me.

"It's a note." I said in surprise.

"Casper," I read aloud, "I took your siblings out for pizza. I didn't feel up to cooking tonight. I just assumed that your staying at Erics' but, if you're not, then there is some leftovers in the fridge. Love mom." I finished. Raegan sat quietly on the barstool listening, her elbows resting on the countertop.

"Huh, well I guess we know where everyone went." I said laughing a little. Raegan smiled at me and I quickly turned around and opened the fridge. I grabbed a tray of raw chicken and tore the plastic off of it. Grabbing two chicken breasts I threw the others in a plastic bag and tossed them back in the fridge.

"Is chicken alferado okay?" I asked. She nodded her head and stood up.

"Want me to help with anything?" She asked.

"Uh, sure. Want to grab some noodles out of the pantry?" I suggested. She nodded her head and went to get the noodles, while I grabbed a cutting board and knife. I started cutting the chicken breasts into little square pieces.

Once that was done and the frying pan was hot, I tossed them into the pan and seasoned it with garlic salt and few other things. Raegan brought a box of noodles over and held them up with a triumphant grin on her face.

"I found them!" She said proudly then added, "That is the largest pantry I've ever been in. It's like a maze, I swear I almost lost." She exclaimed.  I laughed and handed her a pot.

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