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It was a crisp Wednesday, and the sky held a promise of snow. Aurora was going down her usual path to Books, with a box of cookies and a tall cup of Starbucks pumpkin spiced latte, (which was for Harry, but really, is that even a surprise.)

Aurora opened the bookstore door timidly, eyeing the area, when she saw a group of tall and overwhelmingly beautiful people, she sucked in a breath and backed away outside onto the sidewalk again.

oh god oh god oh god, humans. social interaction. no no no no.

Aurora was biting her nails, and nervously walking back home. She was 7 steps in when she heard panting, "Aurora, babe, wait."

Aurora turned around, smiling nervously at Harry, "Hey. You finally have customers, aye?" She joked, attempting to lighten up the mood.

Aurora hated meeting new people, but she could deal with Harry, he was goofy and cute and he was by far her only friend.

Thank God she met him in an empty room, because if it was more than 3 people she probably would've had a panic attack.

She handed him his drink, and he smiled brightly at her. "Those are actually my friends, surprisingly enough you're not my only friend. Come meet them."

Harry took her only free glove-engulfed hand, pulling her toward the front door. Aurora hesitated, but figured she might as well go in, because if she was gonna die of embarrassment, she might as well do it in her favorite place.

Aurora sucked in a breath and followed Harry into the bookstore. He held her hand and let her to the counter, where a bunch of strangely tall and good-looking people stood, laughing about nothing and smiling at each other.

"This is Aurora." He introduced, presenting her like she was an A+ project at the science fair.

Aurora looked around, and saw 5 people. They were all well over 5'11, with the exception of the pretty girl in a light pink skirt who was about 5'8, which, if you asked Aurora, should've been a model.

Everyone smiled her at her and waved, she waved back.

"That's Olivia," Harry started, pointing to the pretty blonde, "That's Stella," He continued, pointing to another less-girly but still beautiful blonde.

He then turned to three boys, who were the only thing keeping the area warm. Long story short, they were absolutely handsome men.

"That's Louis, that's Liam, that's Niall, or as i prefer to call him, Toenail."

authors note; (when u 2 lazy to make up 3 characters so u gotta use bums in ur story. #sorrynotsorry louis is love louis is life. notice how zayn isn't here lmao bye don't stab me)

Niall laughed, and laughed, and laughed, and Aurora decided she liked his laugh.

Louis was very very handsome, and Aurora couldn't help but compare him to Harry. He seemed cool, laid back, careless.

So time went on and Aurora got to know these people, she really liked them all, they were great friends, like the popular kids at school. They worked great together as a group.

Olivia was really girly, she was beyond sweet.

Sickeningly sweet, like she was just nice about everything, and that drove Aurora crazy.

Niall told Aurora that Harry and Olivia had a thing, but Aurora told him she didn't care.

She did,

oh boy, did she.

But Olivia was okay, so Aurora continued to be nice to her.

Louis was charming, and he was always attempting to make Aurora laugh.

"They come here a couple times, mostly Tuesday and Monday. I figured it was about time you met them, so I asked them to come today." Harry explained, pushing some of her fallen hair behind her ear.

"Oh, alright, they're cool." And they were.

Aurora really learned to like Stella, and grew fond of her.

Soon they were exchanging numbers and making silly faces at each other.

So when Aurora bid farewell and walked home, she had a big ol' cheesy smile on her face.

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