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sorry i haven't updated in a while.

mama's busy.

love you!


"Why are you mad at me, Harry?" Aurora sighed, setting her coffee cup down, and turning to look at him.

Harry sighed, and set down Paper Towns, the book he was reading to Aurora.

John Green was something he read to her, a lot.

When Aurora got out of school today Harry was outside waiting for her covered in snow.

It surprised everyone that it snowed, but it gave Aurora a chance to cling onto him for warmth.

"I'm not mad." He responded, his mouth in a straight line.

Aurora got up, then walked the two steps over to him and fell right on top of his body.

"What is it?"

Harry sighed, setting the book down and putting a hand on her waist. "I don't want you to want Louis."

Aurora laughed, when she found out he was jealous.

"Girl, you're the one I want to want me." He quoted, singing Jason Derulo's song lyrics rather loud.

Aurora put both hands on his shoulders and kissed his hair.

"Don't be silly, me and Louis have only kissed 3 times." She joked.

Harry pushed her off his lap and got up, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Aurora." He demanded.




"Bye." He yelled, walking away.

"bABY come back!" She squealed, running after him.


"So Olivia, hows college?" Niall asked, mostly to be polite. He was the sweetest one out of all of them, and Aurora most definitely was not.

"Oh my God! It's so darn fun! I can't wait to be a teacher, I just love little kids!" Aurora was rolling her eyes, and eating fries from Liam's basket.

"Aurora, darling, come with me to the bathroom?" Olivia asked, smiling sweetly and taking out her makeup bag.

"Bitch no the fu-"

Harry kicked her foot under the table and she smiled up at Olivia.

"Golly jee Livy! Why! That would just be the darn bestest adventure in the whole wide sparkly world." Aurora replied sarcastically, getting up and following Olivia to the bathroom.

Olivia was standing in front of the mirror, fixing her pretty blonde hair and re-applying this powder that looked like crack.

Like, legit crack.

Aurora almost reached over and sniffed it.

"So! How are you and Harry?" Olivia asked, smiling at Aurora through the mirror.

"We're not dating." Aurora replied, eating a fry she shoved in her pocket.


"Uh, what?"

Olivia turned to Aurora, smiling big, and applying lipgloss to her already over-glossed hot pink lips.

"Me and Harry are going to get back together."

Aurora was dead silent, for about five seconds, when she started smacking her knee and laughing hysterically.

"Bitch you look like a pink cotton candy sundae gone wrong."

"Harry doesn't like spending times with mean girls like you. You need to be nicer. You're what the kids call, a bitch."

"Shut up. I'll shove my foot up your ass."

"I'd like to see you do it, you're nothing but a bad-mannered, ugly excuse for a human being."

So Aurora reached over and kicked Olivia right to the floor, and a pink pump went flying below her.

"Try me." Aurora whispered, walking away to the table.

Everyone turned to look at her as she reached over and grabbed a handful of fries, "Someone should probably help Olivia. I think my kick was too hard." She said, sticking a fry in her mouth and walking out of the burger joint.

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