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comment if you can read this lol
2:30 p.m, January 20th, 2015 .


me; hang out 2day?

harry; Can't. Talk to you later. Todd's at the store. x

Aurora sighed, frustrated. She decided to hang out with Niall and Louis instead. She hasn't seen Harry in a while and she really wanted to see him, but it was no use.

Harry decided to start going to college, and so he was constantly busy.

He made a couple new friends, and that frustrated Aurora, because he could never fit her into his busy schedule.

me; ok

harry; Sorry.

me; ok

Aurora kind of gave up after a while, and grabbed her purse to meet Niall and Louis outside.

"Sup bitchachos." She yelled, slipping into the backseat of Louis' car.

"I'm hungry."

"Niall, mate, you literally just ate."

Aurora scoffed, laying on Louis' expensive leather seats.

"Shut up, Nail. And you too, Lewis, I want food as well."

"Okay queen, where to?"

"Nail, where do you wanna go?" Aurora asked, leaning over the seat and peering at his blue eyes.

"Let's go to iHop."

And so they went to iHop, and Aurora almost flipped a lid when she saw Harry with another girl.

But, they weren't together, she can't get mad.

It's not like she's in love with him or he's in love with her.


that would be crazy.

"Aurora? Hello? What do you want to eat?"


"That's specific," Niall joked. "True." Aurora responded, reaching over to take a bite out of Niall's bacon.

"Isn't that Harry?" Louis asked after a while, Aurora nodded.


"Are you gonna-"


"Alright," He said, figuring out it was better altogether to drop the subject.

Aurora smiled at Louis, and he smiled back.


4:00 p.m, January 27th, 2015.

me; r u busy?

me; ok

Aurora tugged at her long dark hair, frustrated, and then smacked her body into her bed.

it was almost a month since she last saw Harry, and sometimes it seemed like she doesn't even remember who he is.

But Aurora couldn't complain, no,

he had decided to go to college.

She can't bother him, he's busy, he's creating a future for himself. She was just being selfish, asking too much of him.

She shouldn't.

She doesn't need Harry. It feels like they've been friends for so long, that she started practically depending on him. She doesn't need to, no, not anymore.

So Aurora smiled, and slid her phone into a drawer, not daring to look at it for the rest of the day.

It wasn't worth it, really.

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