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Mondays were boring. No one liked Mondays, but at the same time, Mondays were a beginning. They're a start to a week. A start to a new small adventure, a chance to begin again, and again, and again, and again.

And if you mess up, there's always Monday. But then there's Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday, and Sunday.

And Monday.

Monday was a breathe of fresh air. Monday was a time to breath, a time to recover from the sins and mistakes and regrets from the week before.

But Aurora's Monday was different, Aurora's Monday was Harry throwing stuff her at window and calling her name from outside. Aurora's Monday was the sound of his deep voice shouting the Spongebob Squarepants theme song, so loud that the glass couldn't cover up his voice. Aurora's Monday was the thought that they would be something more, but they couldn't.

He would leave her. They all did. He would kiss her, tell her secrets, hold her hand, and then he would leave her.

So when Aurora opened her window and let him in, she didn't expect his lips would be on hers and her hands would be tangled in his hair.

But it happened.

"Why did you come here." She whispered, her breathing heavy. She was pulling his curly hair, staring at his swollen lips.

No, Aurora, resist the urge, he's not even that cute.

you and i both know he's cute


hes cute

"I didn't kiss you, that one time, and I had to, because it was killing me, oh my god, it was absolutely killing me." He managed, placing his hands on her hips and kissing her nose.

"OK, shhh, we have to be quiet. My grandmother is knitting." She whispered back, slamming herself into his arms.

She wanted to be as close as possible, because she felt as if this would be the only time this happened, and if it was, she might as well make it last, because it was only Monday, and she could just start over next week.

Harry laughed lowly, his dimple appearing in his cheek.

"Your grandmother knits?"

"Yours doesn't?"

"Okay, true," Harry removed his hands from Aurora's body, and took this time to look around her small room.

Everything was grey, but then again Harry wasn't expecting yellow and green and pink, that just wasn't her.

Harry wanted to lay on her grey bed, and play with her hair, he wanted to kiss her every single second, but he knew she wouldn't let him. But what he didn't know was that she was wishing the exact same thing.

Harry kissed her one last time, and then he was climbing out of her window, "I hate you." She whispered, smiling softly.

"I hate you too, Aurora Grey."

As soon as Aurora closed her window and sat on her bed, her phone dinged.

Harreh; Goodnight x

Me; nite fam

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