Three Guys Like Me. I Hate All Of Them

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Damn alarm clock...

I groaned, and slammed my hand on the plastic piece of crap that disturbed my slumber.

"Hey, Elle." My mother's sweet voice called from the other side of my bedroom door with a soft knock. "Ellody." She cooed, opening the dark purple door, and poking her head inside my purple and black room.

I groaned in response, and pulled the dark purple sheets over my head.

"She up?" My father's deep voice asked.

"Yeah. Just refusing to move from her bed." Mom sighed. "Like always." She added with a giggle.

"Move, JJ. I think I can get her up." My dad said.

I heard soft footsteps coming closer to my bed. "Ellody." He whispered.

I groaned again, and stayed under the covers.

"Alright." He said.

The covers were gently lifted away from my face, and soon lips were on my forehead.

My eyes snapped open, and I saw the dark red hair of my father, leaning over me.

"Weird how that always works." Mom commented.

Dad chuckled, and lifted himself away from me. "Morning, beautiful." He greeted with a smile, his green eyes bright.

I smiled. "Hi, daddy." My friends and family always hit my soft spots. Plus, I'm a total daddy's girl.

"Come on, Elle. School." Mom said, walking up next to dad.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, and kissed her cheek softly.

"Alright, alright." I smiled at my loving parents, and got out from my nice warm sheets.

"Meet you downstairs for breakfast." Dad said, walking out my purple door with mom in tow.

"'Kay." I sighed.

I looked around my room, thinking of what I should do first.

My room was decked out in purple and black. My favorite colors. I had a dark purple carpet that covered my whole floor, a black desk with a purple chair, and computer monitor in the far corner of the room. I had dark purple walls, and a single black wall. My bed post was black, and gothic looking, which I loved. A black dresser was right across from my bed, with a purple lamp on it, along with some pictures of my parents, and friends. Then, right next to it was a closet for my nicer looking clothes, that I barely wore.

I decided to head to my dresser first. I picked out a black t shirt, and some dark purple skinny jeans.

What can I say? On some days, I like to match my room.

I then pulled out my black, high top converse, and slipped them on.

I then made my way to the bathroom. I stepped inside the white and black bathroom, and stared at myself in the mirror.

My dark brown hair was in knots, and all frizzy. I looked disgusting without eyeliner, so I applied some around my green eyes. Then some dark eye shadow, and mascara. I then brushed out my straight hair that reached just below my shoulder blades.

I then opened a small drawer next to the sink, and pulled out a tiny box. I put on my lip ring, and I was done.

I looked over myself in the mirror.

Perfect. I thought.

I made my way downstairs into the kitchen where I could here light chatter.

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