Three Guys Like Me. I Hate All Of The - Chapter 32

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"You wanted this to happen?!" I yelled at Danny. 

"Elle, what are you talking about?" Ian asked, walking up to me.

"Get the hell away from me. You aren't off the hook just yet." I stalked my way over to the douche named Danny, and gave my lucky right hook straight to his jaw. He landed on the ground with a loud 'thump!'

"What the fuck!" And "Oh my god!" was all I heard from the other boys. 

"You're an ass, Danny! Trying to break Ian and I up! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I kick him in the stomach a few times before I walk away.

"Holy shit." 

"Dude! Why do you have a boner?!" I heard Sam yell, then some laughter.

"That was hot! Sue me!" James yelled back.

"That hot piece of ass is mine. Stay the fuck away from her." Ian growled to the boys. "Ellody!" He yelled, his footsteps running towards me.

I turned around real quick, wanting to just get on a plane, go home, and just sulk. I want to sulk in my room thinking about how stupid I was for falling for someone who was ony using me for sex. Falling for someone who said he loved me, when he didn't. Falling for an asshole.

"What was that back there?" He asked, pointing his thumb behind him at James, Cam, and Sam heloing up a delerious Danny from the ground.

"He was trying to break us up. He wanted us to fight."

"Danny wouldn't do that. He's my best friend." Ian told me, shaking his head.

"Well he did! Who are you going to believe, Ian?" 

He stood there, his hazel eyes staring in my green ones. Just by his silence, I knew the answer. I walked away without another word.

"Ellody wait!" He screamed.

"Fuck off, Ian!" I hissed back, glaring at everything and everyone in front of me. Just like in school, the people on the sidewalk make room for me to pass.

"Ellody, please!"

"Stay the hell away from my sister!" I heard Nate yell from behind me. I turn around and see him shove Ian to the ground, and run up to me, wrapping me in his arms. 

"Ellody," I heard Ian say. I meet his eyes, and they're full of sadness and regret. "I'm sorry."

"C'mon. We're going home." Nate softly told me, grabbing my hand and towing me away from the love of my lie. From the man that I gave my now broken heart to. From the man that made me the cold, heartless bitch I'm going to be from now on. From the man that made me never trust any guy that comes into my life. 

Nate and I returned home the next day. We got our tickets, and left. Ian's parents drove us to the airport with sad expressions on their faces. I don't know if Ian told them anything because right when Nate and I got back to the mansion, we made our way to our rooms and started packing. For all I know, they don't have any idea why we're leaving early, but they didn't ask us any questions. 

I'm surprised Nate got the tickets last minute, but he was always good with pursuading people to do things he wanted. 

"Be safe." Anna told me, hugging me for the hundreth time.

"Always." I gave her a sad smile, and grabbed my suitcase. 

"Bye, kid." Miles smiled, giving me a quick hug. 

I waved to him, and made my way over to Nate who was standing over my by gate entrance. He already said he goodbyes to Anna and Miles. Once I was standing next to him, he gave one last wave to them, grabbed my hand, and tugged me to the plane waiting to take us home.

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