Sookie's Savior Part II

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"Ask away, Little One, but make it quick I sense we won't be alone for much longer. "

"Why are you even here?"

Godric's eyebrows tense. It was awhile letting the silence drown before Godric gave answer.

"I thought if I gave myself up freely to the Fellowship it would be the first step in many that would lead to peace between both of our kinds. " Godric softly explained.

"Godric that's just stupid. "

"Yeah. I imagine it would be. " he adds.

"Did you want to die that much?" Sookie asked.

Trying her best not to show how much she was still hurting. Godric seemed to see her inner struggles and picked her up.

She was light in his hold. If Sookie was uncomfortable she didn't show it.

"It's not that I want too. It's just after seeing and experiencing everything in my 2,000 years of being a vampire. Life seems to drag on by. There is nothing for me now. " At that moment, he really did look his age and she felt like she owed him. She felt like it was up to her to get Godric to stay alive - well undead.

"Your 2,000 years old?" She questions.

"I tell you I want to kill myself and the only thing you really heard was my age. You are quite an interesting creature, Sookie. " Sookie blushed. Hiding her blush curling into Godric's chest.

Godric closes his eyes. Feeling a worried feeling through his bond. "I am here my child, down here. " 

Her head moved to the opening of the staircase.

Eric Northman made his appearance. Eric's brows rose up in confusion seeing the blonde telepath in his Maker's arms.

"You did not need to send a human after me. This human betrayed you. " Godric pointed to the unconscious human -Hugo- that was lying on the floor.

"Did they harm you?"

"I can look after myself. Yet it was foolish of you to send a human in place of you. Now spare no bloodshed in your way out. " Eric nodded to his Maker.

Sparing Sookie a second look. Sookie snapped her gaze a way from Eric's and laid her head back against Godric's chest. Eric felt jealous of his Maker - but nodded it off for a later discussion.

Somehow she felt safe and complete within his arms. Which she could assume would be the same as, Godric only embraced Sookie more into his cool embrace.

On their way out they could hear the sound of sirens with white flashes signaling a break in the Fellowship's security.  She could see several men with stakes in hand, their bodies covered from head to toe in silver chains, did they think they could kill a vampire; it was just so stupid, vampires were much smarter then anyone else  gave them credit for. 

She saw Eric go.

"Wait!" She all but whispered-yelled. Urging him with her eyes to stop. Eric looked to her then to his maker. "It will be fine. " he calmly admits showing his cheeky grin that infuriated her to no end.

Seconds pass, and Sookie sees a man with a stake getting ready to exact an attack upon the Viking.

"Stake!" She yells that's when Eric takes action.

While, Godric tightens his grip upon her and races to the doors that the men were guarding previously.

The next thing Sookie knows is her hair blowing in the cool wind. Shouts from the ground becoming non-existent in the sky above.

Along with Eric following as he raced to Godric's side.

The only thought going through her mind was "vampires can fly?" Before her eyes closed due to exhaustion and sleepiness.

"Shut your eyes, Little One. Don't worry I got you. " with that Sookie resigned herself in the safe comfort of sleep.

Snuggling deeper into his chest.

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