The Change Part 1

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Author's Note: So I'm back! I know it's been a long time coming for this chapter (well I don't know if this counts as a chapter as it is short).  But I wanted to get something out for you guys/gals something that says, "oh hey, she's back and writing" lol.  Hope you enjoy and if you have any comments to share please I would love to read them!

"So I'm supposed to lie in the ground?"

"Yes. I will lie with you as Eric and Pam cover us - the bond will grow as day turns into night."

I wasn't about to fight Godric over this. I owed him and I had my mind set on becoming a vampire.

I nodded in acceptance.

Godric was first to fall into the hole in the ground. He offered his hand out to me. I took it and leapt I instantly felt Godric's arms snake over my torso setting me gently onto my feet.

"How does it work?"

"It's pretty simple. I have to drain you of most of your blood till your on the verge of death. Then I will feed you some of my blood. Afterwards you will fall into a coma-like sleep which will last up to three days."

I was pretty nervous at the thought of being drained. But I wasn't scared not at all.

Godric was my savior.
I owed him.

And very soon he would be my maker. I would live the next countless centuries with him. Suddenly when facing that my nerves weren't that much in comparison.

Godric lowered himself and I followed.

"It will only hurt for a moment. Our saliva when we bite creates a haze, in a way - it replaces the pain. A vampire can control the pain as you will soon get the chance to learn."

I once again felt Godric's arms around my waist. I fell back comfortably - my back against his chest, my neck open and inviting with my head leaning on his chest.

I felt a comforting squeeze from Godric - I glanced to see his hand holding mine. One last comforting gesture.

"I promise you Sookie. From this night and forever more I will be with you through the days while you sleep and be your companion through the long nights. I will be your father, brother, and your son through this eternal journey. You will never be alone and Eric and I will always be on your side."

I close my eyes.

Then I felt it. 

The bite.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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