Meeting Part I

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Author's Note: Lately, I've been updating and I want to continue it. So I'm going to promise to update this story every Sunday. I'm very happy at all of the attention that this story is getting. Please continue to support me and I'll continue to update. Thanks, Woolley119

Disclaimer: I do not own True Blood. All rights are reserved and belong to Charlene Harris, Director Alan Ball, and HBO.

Sookie opened her eyes.

She remembered closing her eyes and sleeping within Godric's embrace. While flying back to the Hotel Camilla after the bombing fiasco.

She saw her bag on the far wall and smiled in appreciation.

And happened to take notice of the two sleeping vampires on either side of her. Both dead to the world.

She would have to thank both of them once again when they awoke. She felt even more like she owed him now. He had saved her life twice now and had felt her pain. He calmed her in ways that she still couldn't understand.

She would be lost without him - a vampire sheriff that she barely knew although she knew Godric was benevolent  to those who deserved it and harsh the next in order to protect what is precious, and that's all she needed to know really.

She squeezed herself out of the middle and had rid herself of her human needs. And started the shower knowing how dirty she might be since the night before with the bombing. Thinking that she needed to recompense Isabel for the ruined dress. Sighing.

She thanked god that her brother was safe. He was the only family she had - she didn't know what she would do if she ever lost him.

The hot water felt great - beads of water caressed her - easing all her worry and fears away.

Once her shower was done she wrapped herself in her towel and entered where the two vampires had been asleep.

Locating her bag of clothes she quickly took out a braw, underwear, and a red checkered summer dress.

Putting them on once she was back in the bathroom. She felt more comfortable even if they were dead to the world - she still had her modesty to take into account. She was still a lady.

Once she slid on her dress she wondered what she could do for a couple hours until sunset.

Then she had a strong urge to see her brother. Eric had payed for his room and the room was just a couple doors down. Thinking nothing dangerous about it.

Making up her mind she passes Godric and Eric and out the door. Until she knocked on Jason's door.

"Sook, come in. "

"Jason. How are you doing?"

"I guess I'm doing fine. Really Sookie I don't know why I was there in the first place. "

Sookie walked and sat on the bed.  Patting the spot next to her signaling for Jason to sit next to her.

"You had to know that it was wrong. "

"At the time I didn't. I felt my whole life was done for. But when one of those spokesperson came from the Fellowship I thought it was a calling from God. Like he had some sort of mission to accomplish. "

She could understand her brother. But - she still thought him joining the Fellowship was a wrong move on his part. Jason had always been a high strong kid - captain of his football team and the popular guy in school. Sookie guessed it was that aspect of the fellowship that had compelled him to join.

"Your my brother Jas -- I can forgive you. "

The day soon passed with watching the Newlins on the television in-front of them. Until they laughed and talked about their childhood.

She gazed at the clock and knew the two sleeping vampires would be awake. She knew this night would be the start of something new and unexpected.

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