Turning Point Part V

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Author's Note: I know that it's been a long while and I'm so sorry about the shortness of the chapter, as well as the unedited bundle of errors I just wanted to post something since we're finally getting to the point where everything changes! I really hope you enjoy this chapter and a big thanks to everyone who has voted and commented thus far! Thanks, Woolley119

Jason lived up to his word. Sookie viewed her sitting room and she could see the faces of Sam, Tara, Lafayette, Arlene, Terry and of course her brother Jason was sitting next to Tara on the couch.

"So Sook what did you want to talk about?" Tara questioned," it sounded important when Jason called. " she added. Eric wasn't with her as Eric had an urgent business matter that needed attended to at his club only leaving his maker with her. She was glad Godric was with her. It somehow made things easier on her.

"Well. I'm not going to sugar coat it. I'm going to be made vampire. "

She didn't know what she was expecting. Maybe to get yelled out or judged or something far worse. Yet she wasn't expecting the acceptance of the situation. Tara was the first to speak her mind,

"Sookie. I know I should be doing everything to deter you away from this decision. You know my view on vampires. But the more I think about it. The more it makes sense. I'll support you. Your my best friend and what kind of friend would I be if I shunned you?"

She felt like crying and that's exactly what she did. Tara hugged her and comforted her with words of comfort. Her heart felt lighter in a sense. She knew now that she didn't have to worry so much.

Terry and Arlene were the emotional ones wishing her the best even though Arlene had a few choice words to give her - Lafayette was calmer then anyone taking in the information rather well.

"Thank you all. I don't know what I would do without y'all support. "

"Probably cry in a ditch somewhere. " Tara's remark made her laugh - Tara would always remain the same and that's what she loved about her.

The night was getting late and everyone else had to be up so with another round of hugs and sweet good byes Sookie and Godric were the ones left standing in the house.

"It wasn't so bad. " she admitted to the vampire next to her. Godric's lips turned into a smile, "what did I tell you? I knew you could do it. " he assures her. 

"So tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow night. " Godric confirms.
Sookie smiled. She knew she made the right decision. Her fiends and family supported her decision so there wasn't anything or anyone holding her back anymore.

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