He thinks you are cheating on him preference

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You get home after a long day at work and are looking forward to spending the night cuddling with your boyfriend louis. After you have put you bag away, you creep up behind him and hug him. Usually he would laugh and pull you in for a kiss but this time, he just pushed you off!

"What's wrong baby?" You ask him confused.

"You're asking me what's wrong? You're going around cheating on me, that's what's wrong." He tells you flatly. You mouth forms an O shape.

"WHAT?! What are you talking about?" You ask, more confused than ever.

"Don't act all innocent," he says and throws a magazine at you. "Look at this. What is this Y/N?" He asks you, hurt evident in his voice.

'Y/N Y/S/N has been found hanging around with a guy who is not louis tomlinson? Who is this guy? Is Y/N cheating on louis?' You read and your mouth falls wide open.

"Louis! That's my cousin! How could you even think I'm cheating on you?! I thought we had something called trust in this relationship. I guess I was wrong." You say angrily. You turn around and start to walk away when louis grabs your hand and turns you around so you bang into him.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I should have trusted you." He says apologetically and looked down. You sigh and cup his face in your hands and make him look at you.

"It's okay. Just next time, trust me. I would never ever even think of cheating on you because you are my everything. I love you." You tell him.

"I love you too." He smiles and leans in. The two of you share a passionate kiss but you stop it before it turns into anything else as you are very tired. You cuddle with him until you fall asleep.


You get home after a long day out with the girls. You are shocked by what you see. A whole bunch if magazines are neatly laid out on the floor. You pick up one magazine and start reading.

"Y/N seen kissing another man?"

"Who is this other man with Y/N? Is she cheating on Harry styles?"

You get up and go around the house calling Harry's name but he isn't there. A tear of anger slips down your cheek. You immediately call Harry.

"Harry! Where are you?"

"Why do you care? Go with the other man!"

"Harry that isn't me. I swear. It's someone who looks like me. If you look carefully, that girl's hair is shoulder length while mine is until my waist." You tell him as more tears slip down his cheek.

"Oh yeah... Baby I'm so sorry. I should have trusted you. I'm sorry. I'm coming back now." You cut the call.

The door opens in a few minutes and Harry runs in. He hugs you tight and whispers, "I'm so so sorry. It'll never happen again." You hug him back and kiss him.


You are cuddling with your boyfriend Zayn on the couch in the house the two of you share and are scrolling through your twitter. Suddenly, you see a photo of what looks like you with a man who isn't Zayn!

"Y/N with another man?! You slut I knew Zayn wasn't worth you." Whoever posted the photo said. There were a whole bunch of other comments calling you stuff like that's and telling Zayn to break up with you.

You look up at Zayn to see him looking angrily down at you. "What is this Y/N?" He asks you through gritted teeth.

"Zayn I swear that isn't me! Please believe me I would never do that!" You try to make him believe you. He suddenly pushes you away and sits on another couch.

Just then, someone comments on the photo saying, "oh my god! That isn't Y/N. that's me and my boyfriend. I know I look like her from the back but that's me not her." You wipe a year from your cheek and go up to Zayn to show him that message. His features soften and he looks up at you apologetically.

"I'm sorry. I should trust you." Is all he says and looks down. You just kiss him and after you pull away, you sit next to him and message the person who was in the photo and tell her to post a tweet saying that it was her and not you just to clear all this up. She does that and you thank her. You and Zayn then continue scrolling through your twitter.


You are sitting across your boyfriend, Niall, in your flat. You are playing a game on your phone while he is reading the newspaper.

"Y/N, come here." He says in a stern voice.

"What happened?" You ask not getting up.

"Y/N come here!" He shouts. You jump, startled. He never talks to you that way. You get up and go to him.

"What?" You ask. He shows you an article of you with another guy. It said, 'is Y/N cheating on Niall? Maybe she wasn't the princess he was looking for." You looked at Niall and shook your head.

"Niall, do you remember the other day at the party when I made you meet my friend jake?" You ask sweetly. Realization dawns on him. Jake is actually a friend if yours from when you were in school and he is gay so he can never like you!

Niall pulls you into a hug and mutters a "sorry". You hug him back. He later posts a tweet saying, "guys! The guy in the photo with Y/N is just a friend. She is not cheating on me so calm down :)" as people were making quite a ruckus about the news. You kiss him, happy that it was cleared up and the two of you spend the night cuddling and watching movies and eating of course.


You are out with your friend from school and are drinking coffee with him. Once you guys finish your coffee, you realize that it's quite late so you decide to go back home. You are giving your friend a goodbye hug when you hear someone shout your name. You'd know that voice anywhere. It was Liam. You pull away from the hug, turn around and give Liam a big smile but before you can say anything, he speaks.

"Are you cheating on me? Who is this guy?" He spits out.

"Liam! He's just a friend from school!" You answer, shocked.

"Then why are you hugging him?" Liam asks, still not believing you.

"It was a goodbye hug! How can you even think that I would cheat on you. I expected you to trust me as much as I trust you but what I've heard is right. Expectation gives disappointment." You say hurtfully and turn around to walk away but Liam grabs your hand, turns you around and pulls you into a kiss. You are surprised at first but then respond to it.

"I'll urm... Ill just go then." You're friend coughs awkwardly but you pay no attention to him as your whole concentration is in the kiss. After a while, you pull away, breathlessly. Liam apologizes and you go back home with him.


> cute GIF to the side

> thank you for 512 reads! :)



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