For Alexandra - One Night Relationship (Harry Imagine)

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For Alexandra - One Night Relationship (Harry Imagine)

QOTD: What show are you currently watching? I'm watching gossip girl whilst I wait for netflix to have season 6 of PLL lol


Your head bobs as the bass drops in the music at the club. You have finished your last final for the year and are at a club with some friends but they're out on the floor, dancing whilst you take a break from all the sweatiness and touchy-feely horny guys. As you chug the last bit of your drink, a swish of long hair beside you catches your attention. You turn your head, expecting to see a girl but instead you see a guy with a strong jawline and striking green eyes. He turns to you.


"Hello" You smile. You must admit, he is extremely good-looking. He introduces himself as Harry Styles so you reciprocate.

"So Alexandra, what do you do?" He asks, after he has ordered you another drink and one for himself.

"I'm a Harvard Medical student, general surgery. I just finished my last finals today so I'm here with a couple friends to celebrate." Then, looking around, you add "I promise they're real.". He chuckles, and from there your conversation picks up. Before you know it, it is quite late but you have had an amazing time talking to Harry.

"It was great meeting you. We should hang out again sometime." Harry suggests, looking genuinely hopeful, as his cab pulls up outside the club. Glancing at the cab, you make a quick decision.

"You know, there's no time like now." With that, you kiss him and the rest is history. It is without a doubt, one of the best nights you've had.

*5 years later*

"Here you go. Take care!" You say to your patient as she leaves the room. As per your childhood dream, you are now a doctor and are working at a hospital. You couldn't be happier to help people even though it could be tiring. As you clear up your desk, there is a knock on the door - your next patient.

"Come in!" You call out. "Please take a seat." You look up and stop short when you see a very familiar face.

"Harry?" You say at the same time that he says "Alexandra?"

"Hey, um, take a seat. how are you? Okay maybe not too well since you are at a hospital. What's up? I mean-" You ramble, making him laugh as he cuts in.

"Randi, it's okay. breathe." You haven't seen Harry since that night. The two of you hooked up and wanted to meet again but Harry had to go overseas due to a family emergency and you never heard from him again. With a deep breath, you do his check up and he is about to leave your room when you ask him the question that has been haunting you these past five years.

"Why didn't you call me when you got back? I tried so hard to reach you but you never replied." He sighs before walking back to your desk.

"Do you want to talk about this over dinner? It's a long story." He says and you fix a time and place to meet after work. The rest of the day passes by painfully slow as you anticipate your meeting with Harry. You cannot believe that you have met him again after 5 years because what are the chances.

Finally, you are finished at work so you change and head to the diner you have agreed to meet Harry at. Once the two of you are at the diner, the two of you order pizzas and milkshakes before he starts explaining.

"As you know, I left for a family emergency. My granddad passed away and my family had to sort out everything he had left for us so I spent an entire year there. I wanted to call you, I really did but my family needed me most at that time and when I came back, I just... I couldn't call you. I felt so guilty and I told myself that you wouldn't have waited for me because i was after all a one night stand. It all sounds really stupid I know." He finishes.

"No it doesn't I get it. I guess I would have done the same if it was my family." You say. "But do you think we could maybe start over? Because I haven't been able to stop thinking about you." You confess and the shock on his face tells you that he did not expect that.

"Really? Oh my gosh of course. I thought you'd be so mad." He admits and once again, just like that night, the two of you flow into an easy conversation.

A couple more coffees and dinner later, the two of you make it official because the attraction is undeniable. You and Harry Styles are boyfriend and girlfriend.



This imagine is dedicated to randi_marana I hope you liked it :)

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I will need:

1) The situation

2) Your name

3) Which boy

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Stay Awesome Chocolates <3

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