Random cliche Louis imagine :P

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Random cliche louis imagine :P

So I had some time and I thought I could upload for you guys :) this was something my friend and I made up for another friend yesterday only it was about captainsparklez aka Jordan Maron cos she's his fan so I changed that to Louis cos I'm a Louis girl :) oh and I also changed the place where it happens and some other things.

Warning: this is the most cliche thing I have EVER written so be prepared. :P


Louis stands on the first floor outside your room which is on the second floor. He holds his arms out and looks up at you.

"Just jump love. I will never let you fall. Trust me." He says. You hesitate, not sure if you should run away from your evil parents. You are afraid that they will find you and do something unimaginably cruel to you. Finally, you decide that you have had enough. Louis is your key to freedom and you love him. There is no way you are letting this chance slip away from your fingers. You take a deep breathe.

"Okay. I'm jumping." You state. Louis grins and starts counting.

"One, two, three, jump!" He exclaims and you jump. You shut your eyes tight, bracing yourself for the hard impact with the ground but before you know it, Louis has caught you swiftly in his arms. You open one eye and then the other and sigh in relief. You put one arm around his neck and raise the other to move your hair out of your face but he is too fast for you. He brushes away the hair from your face and his sparkling blue-green irises stare into yours.

"See, I told you." He states smugly before becoming serious. "I would never let you fall because.... I love you." Your eyes tear out of happiness.

"I love you too Louis. Always have, always will." With that, you lean up to kiss him. Then, realizing what you jumped down for, he quickly puts you down and you run to his car. You buckle your seatbelt and the two of you look at each other.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Ready." You reply with a grin.


How was that? I personally am not a fan of too cliche stories but I just had to post this. :P hope you liked it :) You too Rachel if you're reading this :P

VOTE FAN COMMENT and add the book to your library because Louis Tomlinson is hot. ._. He is.



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