For Sherisse: you tell him you are pregnant (Harry imagine)

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For Sherisse: you tell him you're pregnant (Harry imagine)

It has been a week since you have found out that you are pregnant but every time you try to tell this news to your boyfriend, Harry, he has to either complete some work or go somewhere else because he is on tour. He is coming back today and you are determined to tell him one way or another (see what I did there? (; ).

You reach the airport, the fact that you are pregnant never leaving your mind. You try to think of ways that you can tell him this and as you get closer to the airport, your nervousness increases. You realize that it isn't as easy to tell him this face-to-face as it is over the phone or Skype.

You finally see him and he runs to you. He drops his bag, picks you up and spins you around. When he sets you down, he gives you a passionate kiss but you cant kiss him back! He pulls away when he notices and lifts your chin up so you are looking at him.

"Sherisse? What happened baby?" He asks worriedly because you have never not kissed him back.

"I-I... I just-" your voice cracks and look down, swallowing the huge lump in your throat. Harry immediately hugs you and runs his hands through your hair. "Its okay Sher. It's okay." He tries to calm you down as you tremble. You gather yourself and pull away from the hug. You clear your throat and begin.

"I don't know how you are going to react to this, but I'm- I'm pregnant." You finally say it and your chest feels light. "There, I said it." You say and look up to see Harry's mouth wide open. Just as the fear of him leaving you starts to creep up, he hugs you.

"Oh my god are you serious?! I'm going to be a dad?" He asks you and you nod, letting the tears of happiness escape your eyes.

"Oh god Sherisse thank you so much! This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. To us- I'm sure." He says and gives you a short but passionate kiss which shows all his emotions. He bends down and places a hand on your non existent bump.

"Hey baby. It's daddy. You know, you have the best mommy ever?" He speaks to your tummy. You giggle.

"And do you know, you have a better daddy?" You say. Harry chuckles and gets up.

"I love you. Both." He adds at the end. You smile. "I love you both too."


Hope you liked that Sherisse :) I have to say this was one of my better ones :)

This imagine is dedicated to MrsSherisse_Malik_ because she requested this and also because I love her name :D thanks so much for requesting :)

I don't really have much to say except that I'm awesome.... ._. IM JUST KIDDING JEEZ.


PS: I'm so happy! I don't know why I just am. :)

Pps: VOTE FAN COMMENT and add the book to your library because you know its awesome :)

Ppps: please request imagines! :D

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