Chapter Eleven

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Wake up. Get out of bed, Eli. I literally have 15 minutes to get to work.

"I'm so not used to waking up this early." I whined to myself.

I literally rolled out of bed, putting on some jean shorts and one of Michael's flannels, and quickly braiding my hair. I put some mascara on and grabbed my phone and keys.

"You're almost late." Matt said, putting his plate in the dishwasher.

"I'm tired." I pouted.

"Poor baby."

"Shut up." I groaned, grabbing a banana.

I still had some time before I had to leave, so I decided to hop on my phone.

"@num1mikeystan: @Eli5SOS is a gold digger for Michael."

"@omgmgc: wow haha so Mike is actually dating this gold digger?"

"@5s0sluv: this is actually stupid, didn't think Michael would stoop so low."

"@abby96: screw all y'all who are hating on @Eli5SOS, I met her the other day and she's legit the sweetest person."

All of them linked to an article about how Michael bought me a truck and 2 phones, and tried rumoring that he bought a house for me.

"@Eli5SOS: thanks to the nice comments about me during this time, but I honestly do not care about hate- me and Michael know the truth & tbh, that's all that matters."

I finished my banana, and threw the peel away. I started walking out the door, before Matt grabbed me.

"Hug." He smiled, and I punched him on the arm. "OW."

"Bye." I laughed, going out of the door and hopping in the truck.

I listened to All Time Low as I drove to work, singing along.


On my lunch break, Michael decided to FaceTime me.

"You're sure you're not bothered by this?" He asked, again.

"Mikey." I groaned. "I do not care what others say about us! You know I'm not a gold digger. I know I'm not. I am not. That's all that counts."

"Well, I mean... Maybe you are a gold digger." He smirked.

"Wipe that smile off your face before I go to LA and smack you." I said.

"Wow, jerk." He laughed.

"HI ELI!" Ashton yelled.

"HEY BAE!" I smiled.

"Hey." Michael said, frowning.

"Poor baby. Okay, I have to get back to work. Love you." I said.

"Love you too. Mwah." He said, kissing the camera.

"I'm not doing that. That's weird." I cringed.

"Rude." He said, and I laughed.

"Bye babe." I said, hanging up.

I honestly won't get over getting to call eachother babe. I love him, so much. And it's cute how much we trust eachother. I'm glad Michael knows I'm not a gold digger, honestly I thought because of all the rumors he might begin to believe it himself.

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