Chapter Fourteen

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Surprisingly, my boss let me take a week away from my job- granted I told him that it was a family emergency... But, let's not talk about that. Let's talk about how I bought airplane tickets and concert tickets- thank you Matt- and I am flying to see the boys in concert and then go surprise them.

I'm sitting right in front of where Michael will be preforming, so he probably won't see me, but even if he doesn't I'm still going backstage to surprise him.

And I leave for the airport, well, right now.

"Thank you so much, Matt." I smiled.

"Hey, no problem. I mean, what else would I use that money for? Plus, I have so much more left, that concert ticket was nothing." He said, his eyes on the road.

"Thank you. Are you sure you'll be okay this week?" I asked.

"Yep. I'm going to eat pizza and watch Netflix." He said, and I laughed. "We're here!"

"This is going to be a very, very long airplane ride." I sighed.

"But it's worth it." He smiled.

"14, maybe more hours... All for a stupid red-haired boy."

"That you love." He chimed in, grabbing my one suitcase.

"Thank you, Matthew. I'm so glad I met you." I smiled, hugging him.

"See you next week!" He smiled, waving as I entered the airport.


14 hours later in an airplane filled with screaming babies, smelly weirdos and a bathroom smaller than my closet, I finally made it to LA.

Something I didn't think about is my bags, and where I was going to set them considering I had to go to a concert in less than an hour of my arrival.

So, my Fangirl kicked in and I snuck to their tour bus.

I peeked around the corner- nobody in sight, so I opened the door very quickly, throwing my bags in.

"Hey!" Someone yelled, and I froze.

"Eli?" They said, and I recognized the voice as Calum's. "ELI!" He smiled, basically jumping into me for a hug.

"Hi." I laughed. "And shh! I'm here as a surprise!"

"I've missed you so much!" He said, hugging me tighter.

"I missed you too!" I smiled. "But what's this I hear about you being sad?"

"I don't know. I honestly think it's because I'm homesick, and I actually really missed you. Michael's been sad lately too, so I think it's kind of rubbing off. Just kind of a rain cloud above our heads. You were the light that kept us going."

"You shut up, I'm going to cry." I said, hugging him tighter.

"Aw. Well, anyways, we have to go on soon and you need a special pass so I can sneak you in fast." He said. "Stay here, get a jacket and sunglasses out of the bus and I'll be right back."

So I did as he said, I grabbed Michael's jacket, hat and sunglasses and went full Gordon.

"Here's the pass, come on, and hurry so Michael doesn't see you." Calum said, putting a lanyard around my neck and walking me through the doors.

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