The Monment Our Lives Changed. Forever.

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Lilly's POV

As I walked along the curb with this "Cameron" boy I observe him. I had a thing with that, most of the time I'm quiet is because I like to listen and observe. You never know how much you can learn from people by doing that. For example, all Cameron did was talk to himself. I saw that as a bit on the nutty side, but I continued to listen. It seemed like he was rehearing his lines. I think he was on some Disney show. But I didn't really care, their was too much studying needed for homework.

"Um-" I start off. I look down at the big dog. Its so much bigger than little Nip! It was growling at me,then lunging at me.(I forgot the dogs name so I called her It for now) It was then I turned on my heals. I thought about grabbing Nip, but It seemed really protective of my little dog. So I ran. And so did It.

"Ahhhhh!" I start screaming like a mad man. The dog aka It was nipping at my heals, until it finally caught up. I heard Cameron coming but he sounded like he was laughing!

That was at this moment my life changed.

It grabbed hold to my skirt and completely tore it off. It only had a waistband to hold it up, so I guess that was easy. I was now, running though the streets of a popular L.A. neighborhood in Care Bear underwear, while some mangy dog chanced me. I was so embarrassed, I felt a tear escape my eye and roll down my cheek. Now they were constant. I ran like their was no tomorrow. Then I remembered physics! Yea leave it to me to remember physics in a embarrassing life or deaf situation. I was an object in motion, and I couldn't be stopped unless a force came! So that meant I was safe! (I knew that was a load of bull ish but what can I say? I wear Care Bear underwear at 18.) It was then a force stopped me. It was warm, big, and buff. Before I could see who or what the force was, it wrapped a arm around me and with the other held a phone which made a clicking noise that stopped It in her tracks.

"Are you ok?" Force said. Man, I loved Force's voice. And his smell, it was like some kind of Teen boy scent.

"Ye- um, erm ..." I rambled in a bunch of words. Then I remembered I was naked. "I'm naked!" I exclaimed. I tried to get free from his grasp but I couldn't.

"I can see that." He said in a suggestive tone. "Let's go inside."

"RAPE! RAPE!" I screamed as I was lugged away.

"Shut the fuck up." He said putting his hand over my mouth. "Are you trying to get the pops on me? I'm getting you some clothes."

"Ohhhhh!" I said relived muffled by his hand and nodded happily.

Madison's POV;

I am pissed at Jaden. I thought he stopped pranking me. I sit on my daybed and look down I see a cute guy I have seen around and a girl, walking there dogs. Must be his girlfriend. Pttf. I go and get cleaned up and put on my grey sweat pants and black tank top. I throw my hair in a messy bun. I sit down and rest on my bed with my head against the head board and scroll down on Instagram. I then here shouting and someone barges in my room. I don't bother to look up I just keep scrolling till someone sits on my bed. I look up instantly to see a half naked girl sitting down and Jaden searching my closet. "Jaden Christopher Syre Smith. One, tell your friend here to get off my bed and put on some clothes and two. GET OUT OF MY CLOSET AND MY ROOM!" I say. The girl flinches and I point at her still sitting down I speak to her

"You, what's your name?"

"Um m-my n- name is L-Li-Lilly." She replies.

"Are you scared of me Lilly?" I say with a smirk.

"Ye- no?" She says with a scared/thinking look.

"You will. Now, why are you half naked?"

"My clothes got ripped while I was running from a dog."

I laugh,

"Really? Hahaha!"

"Yes. Your relative brought me here cause he said someone in the house has clothes for me."

I snap my head at Jaden and give him a death glare.

"Ok, Lilly walk into my bathroom, and 'Jay'. Leave."

I stand up and go to my closet while she walks into my bathroom. I grab some black shorts and a plain blue tank top. I throw them in the bathroom and sit on my bed and get on my phone. She finally comes back.

"Give me back my clothes whenever."

"Ok. Thanks."

"Yeah yeah yeah."

"You can at least have manners!"


"Ugh. Whatever."

She rolls her eyes and walks out. I go after her and grab her arm.


"Look I'm sorry Lilly. Ok? Happy now?"

"Very. Well I have to go get Nip, my puppy, from my 'friend'."

"Ok well, i'll see you around possibly?"


She goes down the long stairs and out the door just then Jaden runs out his room and tackles me on the floor. He pins me down and lays on top of me.


"Shhhh..... Don't speak" He puts his finger up to my lips

"What the fuck? Am I being punk'ed?"

"No. Now I talk, you listen."

"I am having a party while mom is gone this weekend. Ok? And I want you to invite Lilly to come to it, ok?"


"Shh.... I don't like her. I'm interested in her."

"Yeah ok. 'Interested'. I have known you all my life. I know everything about you. Now get your blubber off of me!"

"Fine. But I'M not the fat one."

"I will slit your throat. If you don't get off of me in 3-2-"

By then he was already off of me and in his room. I get up and get a chocolate chip cookie and lean against the counter. I take a bite of it.

"He likes her." I say with a smirk.

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