Chapter 14

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Arianna outfit (if you forgot that's the girl whose playing Arianna)^^

   After finish talking to Odell about this stupid plan I went to my first period class. I was very early for class which made me very happy.

  "Miss Garcia your early that's great."Mr. Anthony my math teacher smiled. He's very weird and creepy looking."why your boyfriend didn't walk you to class?"he questioned.

"Boyfriend?"I questioned.

"Odell, sweetheart don't play dumb I hear about y'all lil drama. Speaking of drama Ashley had her baby yet?"he asked getting close to me just to hear petty mess.

"Ashley,Who is that?"

"Oh keep forgetting your new ,poor baby don't know anything ." I looked at him a lil taking back, "but Ashley is a 9th grader got pregnant by Rodney school bully...."he stopped when he saw students started to come in.
"We can talk about it later"he smiled towards me.

  "What was that"normani asked standing next behind me.

"Somebody pregnant or some shit"I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ohh Ashley yeah I heard"

"You know also?"I said that pretty loud. Why I'm not getting to know drama stuff. At end of the day I wouldn't care but still knowing would be a lil normal.

"Girl who doesn't?"Normani giggled.

"Me the new/non-normal girl"I rolled my eyes and took my seat.

"It wasn't really a big deal ari"Normani try to relax me. She probably right felling left out over drama is dumb.

"Good Morning students"Mr. Anthony smiled greeting us.

"Morning"we all said in unison.

"Today's class is gonna be canceled sadl-"everyone started to cheer not even letting him finish. "For a assembly" when he Said assembly everyone started freaking out. I saw some Guys trying to hide weed and others hiding condemns, what kinda shit is this?

"Why we having assembly?"someone yelled
"Will the principal be down there"
"Are they checking stuff"the class was throwing all types of questions to Mr. Anthony.

"Listen listen",he shushed us,"I don't know what it's about and I'm not sure what's gonna happen."
"Fuck man" someone yelled in the back. Mr. Anthony checked the time and dismissed us. They made us get in a line this shit must be serious.

"I need a line so I won't lose no one."Mr. Anthony kept yelling. He walked us to our gym where the office faculty was all standing in.
Me and normani ran to sit by Jadah and Tyla. Fizz was no where to be found probably with that hoe.

  Odell and them sat behind us . Bleachers makes everyone so close and uncomfortable. I wanted him to get away so bad didn't trust him behind me. He put his hands on my shoulder rubbing them.

"Can I help you"I looked up. He raised his eyebrow and looked down.

"Nah I'm good"he smirked still rubbing my shoulders.

"Go with the plan"Jarvis whispered.

"Yeah I know"I rolled my eyes and put my attention on the teachers.

"Good morning students"our principal spoke. We greeted her back with a simple morning. Looking around I noticed only seniors was in here no other grades.

"We are all here to talk about all the sexually activities y'all been doing in school!"she said sternly. Jarvis and the rest started laughing. They was the main ones getting head and shit in school.

"Y'all will be stopping the sexual activities and drug activities now or we will stop sports at this school." The crowd groan and whispered inappropriate stuff.

"Do that stuff at your house not at my school. I'm losing trust on y'all. Will start putting cameras close to the bathrooms ,class rooms and parking lot. Keep it away from my school I will turn it into a regular school no sports or anything ,understand."we said yes ma'am in Unison.

"Fuck that shit I do what I want I made this fucked up school."Odell said to Jarvis and them.

"Ok enjoy y'all day and behave seniors"principal said as we got up.

"Don't get pregnant"Mr. Anthony messy ass said while giggling.

"I would really clock his gay ass"I said to Tyla

"Fucking right I would to"Tyla agreed we began to laugh and leave out the gym. I ran out quickly to lose Odell and his lil bitch crew.

"Ms. Garcia"I heard my name being called by Mr Anthony.

"Fuck"I said under my breath

"So yeah where was I? Right so Rodney got her pregnant and her period stil-"I cut him off.

"Mr. Anthony I don't care Sr and neither should you."

"Oh ok just needed som-"he just stopped talking for no reason. I didn't even have to stop him probably showed on my face I wasn't interested.

"Can I talk to my friend please ,alone "someone said behind me. There shadow was over my lil body was like a tower.

"Ugh sure I guess. We can talk later ari"Mr Anthony smiled and walked away. Did he call me by my nickname? Eww. I turned around seeing fizz in front me double eww.

"Aye was looking for y'all up in there"he smiled.

"Wasn't looking for you tho"I glared at him.

"Umm did I..."I cut him off by calling Odell.

"Dell ,wait for me bae" Odell turned looking my direction looking confused. I ran up to him and held his hand as we walked to class. His ass not sneaky he was listening to me and fizz conversation. I hope fizz feel some type of way. Stupid nigga😑

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