Chapter 1

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A/N:   Hey everyone!

This is my first story, so please leave feedback and let me know what you think. It starts out slow, but stick with it, it picks up!

Also, if anyone is good at making covers, I would love a good one for this story. Thanks!

   I walked down the hallway, rummaging in my bag for the granola bar I’d thrown in this morning as I ran out the door. The plan was to eat it after school as I watched Derrick’s football practice, but my stomach was growling quite loudly, and I had study hall next, where it would be silent, and painfully obvious that I was hungry.

            I pulled out a squashed bar and peeled open the wrapper, taking a bite before opening the door to Mrs. Rickson’s room and slipping in, walking to the back of the room and sliding into the seat next to Derrick. He turned to smile at me and slipped his arm around my waist, scooting his chair closer to mine loudly and gently dropping his lips down onto my own. I stiffened and pulled away quickly, glaring at him. Mrs. Rickson was not fond of PDA, the last him he’d tried kissing me in class we’d both ended up with a week of detention. He got out of them, Coach wasn’t about to let his star halfback miss a week of practice, but I had to sit for an hour after school and staple packets of worksheets together for five days.

            Derrick smirked at my accusatory expression and nodded to the front of the room. I turned to see a short, balding man writing “Mr. Kabashiari” on the board.

            “Sub?” I asked Derrick.

            “Uh huh” he murmured, drawing me back into a kiss, this time deepening it, running his tongue along my bottom lip. I teased him, drawing back a little so that he growled in the back of his throat and bit my lip in retaliation.

            Our intense kiss was broken by the substitute teacher’s voice from the front of the room. “Hello class, I’m Mr. Kabashiari, but you can call me Mr. K if that’s too hard to remember.” Here he paused and looked around, as if expecting us to try out his name. I rolled my eyes, substitutes. Mr. K rocked back on his heels and blew out a breath before trying again, “ Mrs. Rickson left me instructions. You’re all to work quietly on homework, which you should all have brought with you from your lockers. If you have a pass I’ll let you go to the library, but I expect good behavior from all of you. If there are any problems feel free to….um, miss. Miss? MISS!!” he tried to gain Gail Barrow’s attention. She sat in the second row painting her nails.

            She looked up at him innocently, “Yeah?”

            “I’m sorry but please put that away, that is not an appropriate use of time.”

    But it was already too late, Gail had returned to her nails, Mitchell Sange began playing music from his Ipod speakers, Vanessa Roth was turned around in her seat using the mirror her friend behind her was holding to apply mascara, and Derrick had already returned to kissing me.

            I smiled blissfully against his lips; these were the moments that got me through the day. If I had my way I’d be kissing Derrick all the time. Apparently he had other ideas though, because he pulled back before I was ready and leaned his forehead against mine. Breathing raggedly I leaned forward, aiming for his lips again. But he straightened in his chair and glanced away from me, toward the clock.

            “Babe we gotta talk.” He said in his husky, sexy voice.

            “Or we could do something else.” I suggested breathlessly and pulled his face back down.

            He disengaged my hands though, pulling them away from his face and putting them on the desk in front of me.

            “No, seriously, Taylor. We have to talk.”

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