Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

18 months later

Toby’s POV

            I swear, these kinds of things only happen to me. Sure, other people are late to meetings. But not everyone is late to their very first meeting, of their very first job, with their very first boss. Who happens to be famous. Not that that matters much to me. It was drilled into us during training, Most clients will be famous, or at the very least, influential. Get over the shock factor of meeting celebrities and focus on your job. Protecting them.

            That was what I had been hired to do. Protect. I was lucky to have landed this job, straight out of training. Of course, it helped that I was at the top of my class, but to land such a high profile client for my first job both flattered me and made me want to piss my pants.

            And to top it off, I was late. The rest of the security team and I were supposed to be meeting with Ms. Beddoe this morning to go over precautions with her for the tour we were accompanying her on. This was to be my first meeting with her though, and I wanted to make a good impression. Showing up late was sloppy, but I couldn’t find parking outside of the damn arena where we were meeting her after she finished rehearsal for her first concert. Finally I had just thrown my keys to a valet and dashed inside, cursing my luck.

            Turning a corner sharply I felt a hard impact, and heard a soft, “Oomf!”. I faltered back only a step, but the girl I had collided with was not so lucky. She bounced back hard off of my body and crashed downward. I barely managed to get my hands up in time to grab her before she smashed onto the floor. My hands on her waist, I lifted her lightly and set her carefully back on her feet, ready to continue my headlong rush to the conference room. I was so close! Only another few hallways!

            I looked down at the mystery girl's face, distracted, hastily muttering, “Sorry about that, are you okay?” I trailed off, staring at her.

            Her upturned face was absolutely breathtaking, a slightly dazed expression still in place upon it from her almost-fall. The girl’s luminous gray eyes were huge in her face, her deliciously pink lips parted a little. Her features were delicate, giving her whole face a bit of look of a porcelain doll. Framing her face, lustrous brown hair hung in ringlets down her back, cascading over her shoulders and bouncing lightly around her breasts. Only as my eyes traveled down her hair did I take in the rest of her body. She was wearing a short leather miniskirt paired with clunky boots and a white tank top with a sweatshirt from some camp I had never heard of zipped up halfway. Where it hung open, glimpses of delicious curves were visible, and her long, toned legs were perfectly visible.

            The mystery girl squirmed a little, I was probably making her uncomfortable with my very obvious ogling.

            “Sorry about that.” She said to me, her voice soft and sweet, something about it made me just want to scoop her up into a tight hug. To hold her and shield her and feel her glorious body pressed along mine—I cut myself off. Way to go Toby, knock into a beautiful girl and then freak her out by perving on her.

            Glancing back up I watched blood rush into her cheeks as she looked down. The faint flush in her cheeks looked adorable and her eyelashes cast shadows down her cheeks from the florescent lights overhead. I noticed for the first time that they were impossibly long, and turned feathery and blue at the end. She also wore dramatic eyeliner.

            “Nice uh—eyelashes.” I commented stupidly. Immediately kicking myself. Eyelashes? Eyelashes? What if she think I was making fun of her or something?! I just, wanted to say something to her, and I’d just noticed her eyelashes, and they were blue…

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