Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Toby’s POV

            I quickly turned through the convoluted hallways in the bowels of the arena, trying to remember the directions Raoul had rattled off to Taylor’s dressing room. Harper had finally spoken up to remind us of his hunger. Raoul agreed and suggested that we, and I quote “blow this popsicle stand”. My mind had immediately jumped to Tay—no, Ms. Beddoe—and I’d radioed to Levi before we left.

            “We’re thinking about heading out to grab a bite. How many do you need on guard duty right now?” Please, let it be three so I can join you.

            There was a crackle of static before Levi’s voice replied, “The two of us should be fine. Bring us back something.”

            Damn. “Do you want me to take over for you, I’m not very hungry…” Lie. But I wasn’t hungry enough to pass up the chance of another conversation with my beautiful boss.

            “You sure Toby?” he grunted, sounding skeptical.

            Wondering if he was nervous about my ability to protect Taylor because of my inexperience, I hurriedly assured him, “Yeah, man. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure Xavier and I can handle it.”

            No reply for a moment, then, “Okay, you got it. I’ll leave when you get here, so hurry.”

            Grinning I radioed back an affirmative and quickly got directions from Raoul, heading off towards Taylor’s dressing room almost at a run.

            I turned into the hall her dressing room was located on, following a bulky guy with white-blond hair. I watched him closely, in case he tried anything as he passed her door, which was unmarked except for the very obvious presence of Levi and Xavier, leaning casually on the wall on either side of the doorway. I watched the blond man confer quietly with Levi before Levi nodded warily and rapped on Taylor’s door, poking his head in to speak with her.

            Without warning the door burst open and the goddess herself emerged, leaping into the arms of the blond stranger, wrapping her legs around his waist. I flinched as his meaty hands slid up her thighs, holding her securely against his body.

            I stood frozen at the end of the hall, unseen, watching their foreheads touch as they talked. Shaking myself I slowly put one foot in front of the other, making my way toward the painful scene unfolding in front of my eyes. What were they going to do, jump each other here?

            I was near enough to hear a few snippets of their conversation, she said something about dressing like a whore and he jumped on it, like any reasonable boy wrapped around a girl that beautiful would.

            “….you wanna model some of those unacceptable clothes for me, I won’t complain.” He murmered into her ear, making her blush and me clench my fists at my sides, freezing again. I was physically incapable of moving a muscle, I was so flooded with murderous rage.

            A part of me was confused by my turbulent emotions. This girl, no woman, I had just met today already had me completely under her spell. But the larger, dominant part was furious. How dare Blondie treat her like this? Like a piece of meat? No doubt he was thinking only of his raging hormones, what this angel would look like in “whore” clothing. He had no respect for her! For gods sake, he was almost leering at her! And she didn’t seem to object!

            I was standing frozen halfway down the hall, battling my surge of fury, and trying to keep myself from hurtling down the hall and tearing him away from Taylor when three words shook me from my stupor.

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