"A Flower For Seattle" (ben mason au; part three)

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The aliens all soon cleared out and Ben was the first to step out of the supply closet with his gun raised. After a few moments, he called out saying that it safe.

You let out a shakey breath as you stepped out of the closet, looking straight at Ben. He looked back at you for a while until you finally spoke, "So you're pretty much the alienated Spiderman? Skitter-Man?" You ask, mostly to annoy him.

He gives you annoyed look and you smile innocently. "I guess, yeah. But I don't like the name." He says in a warning tone.

"The Chronicles of Skitterman: Mech Friday at Walmart." Despite his obvious annoyance, he laughed at your joke.


"What are they like?" You ask Ben once he mentioned that he was trying to find his way back to his family. He let out a small laugh, "My dad's a history buff, my older brother Hal is occasionally a douche, and my younger brother Matt is still adorable regardless of the fact he's now entering the rebellious teen stage." He explains and you laugh slightly. You were glad he had high hopes for them being alive, pessimism was the past thing you needed.

He had also told you about a woman named Anne, who was kind of a mother to him and his brothers now. He had also mentioned his mother's passing, but he didn't dwell on it long and you didn't question it further.

"It was just my dad and I before the invasion." You started. "Obviously, he didn't make it but I was with my uncle for a while. We got separated right before I met Seattle." You say her name sadly even though you didn't mean to.

You had only known her for a few months, but you both looked after each other and you begun to think of her as a sister.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He says softly. You didn't quite understand Ben, he was always protective and genuine, but he had moments where he would get extremely pissed off and then he had goofball moments in the few days you've spent with him. Nonetheless, you hated that you started to like him in a way that you shouldn't.

You muttered a reply to him as you both walked in the empty road that seemed endless. Suddenly, Ben stopped and bent down.

"These are shells." He mumbled to himself before picking it up. "They're still warm, whoever fired them is probably still close if they're on foot."

"If they were close, wouldn't your Spidey senses start tingling?" You ask and he scoffs. "Yes..." He muttered, rolled his eyes and kept walking.

After a long while of walking, Ben said be couldn't hear much our of the normal and it was getting dark so you both started looking for shelter.

"Is that a bed and breakfast?" You wonder aloud, pointing towards the cabin looking place. "I wonder if anyone ever thought to raid this place." Ben says, walking towards it.

You trailed behind his strides, looking around you. "Pretty sure there's only two skitters in there, just stay here." He says.

"Wha- you can take two skitters on at once? What if something happens to you?" You argue.

"What if something happens to you?" He snaps. You had flinched slightly at the volume of his words and his features softened.

"I didn't mean to yell-"

"Ben!" You yelled, seeing the two skitters coming at him. He quickly turned, shooting one down with ease while the other came towards you.

You grabbed the knife you kept in your boot and before you could stab it in the mouth, Ben did himself.

You scoffed after the skitter fell limp, "I totally had that." You said and rolled your eyes, walking into the place that looked more like a large house rather than a hotel or bed and breakfast, whatever it was.

It didn't look trashed, to your surprise. It looked pretty much untouched by humans since, possibly, the invasion began. You had walked into what looked like the dining hall, based on all the tables that were there. You had looked around for supply closets and walked into one only to come face to face with Ben.

"How the hell did you get in here?" You asked, confused and slightly freaked out.

"There's another door on the other side." He says calmly, pointing towards the opened door on the other side of the small room.

You sighed softly as you fully entered the room, smiling as everything looked like it was still in place. "All this should last us a while." Ben says, smiling softly towards you. "Good work, MJ." You furrowed your eyebrows.


"Yeah, Mary Jane. Like how in Spiderman, he's in love with Mary Jane..."

"So you're in love with me?" He got quiet for a second as he blushed.

"Uh, no... I just suck at nicknames." He says awkwardly.

"Well in the remakes, Peter falls for Gwen Stacy first. But, you know, she dies and the world turned to shit before the next movie came out." You shrug. "But, yeah. Either way you suck at nicknames." You say, smiling softly as you opened the wrapper to a pop tart.

You offer the second to Ben who took it gladly.

For the first time in a while, you had felt overwhelmingly safe and positive for the future. You hadn't been able to say that in a long time but you felt safe with Ben, he had already saved your life on numerous occasions and you didn't know how to thank him for all he had done.

You had looked over at him who was eating the pop tart. A small smile was on your face as you ate yours, both of you in a comfortable silence.


(Okay so no, didn't write smut.. BUUUUUUUT I started writing a new Connor fic, would you guys read it? I based it sort of off of the American crime plotline, a video gets leaked but its a bit different. I also wrote it which means that some parts are overly depressing but still I'm kinda proud of it so far so idk if I'll post it, I just write a lot of stuff but I don't even post any of it because nobody reads it and yeah that's not the only reason why I write but it still sucks when you write something nobody seems to like it.. Okay, over share but whatever)

(This is highly unedited and cartersgirl2002, I am working on your request)

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