1;;Innocently Overlooks the Truth...

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MONDAY (Luna's P.O.V.) 7:32 PM

"You have beautiful hair, Luna." Ginny said from behind me, as she, Hermione and myself sat in a line French braiding each-others' hair one week before fifth year.

Ginny sat behind me, braiding mine, and Hermione sat in front of me, as I was braiding hers.

"Thank you, Ginny. Yours is lovely as well. Since it has grown, it reminds me of a red waterfall a bit. My fingers gently and gracefully wrapped through Hermione's hair, and my eyes reading the Quibbler over her shoulder.

It was just a normal sleepover for Hermione, Ginny and I, considering I live right over the hill, I can go over there often.

That particular night, Ron and Harry (Both he and Hermione had been staying with the Weasleys.) had been out with Fred and George, working the Joke shop, or so we thought, until…

"We're back!" George called from downstairs.

"Really? Must they return now?" Ginny groaned and looked down over the staircase. "Hey! Can't you all be quiet? We're trying to talk here!" She called to her brothers…and Harry, of course.

"Ahem, We?" I heard Ron ask nervously, making me blush.

"Me, Hermione, Luna?"

"How long has your talking been more important than ours?" Fred and George said simultaneously.

"Much too long for you to count." Ginny scowled and marched back to the room and sat behind me again. "Brothers," She groaned.

"I apologize, I wouldn't know the feeling." I sighed.

Harry walked in to break the awkward moment. "Luna, you're here. Hello." He smiled. "Hermione, you got a letter from your parents." He tossed the letter across the room, it landing right on top of Hermione's Quibbler.

"Hey! I was reading that!" She walked up to Harry and hit him in the head with the magazine, which was folded around the letter.

"Ow! Thanks to you, I have just proved that magazines do hurt people." Harry smiled slightly and walked out of the room.

"Goodness, he's cute. Isn't he, Luna?" I looked up as she said my name.

"No, not to me anyway. I mean, you and him would make a very cute couple. But, he's not really…the kind I go after." I mostly sound as if I'm rambling, which I am. Hopefully, they won't suspect anything.

"What is your type?" Ginny asked excitedly.

"I'd much rather not say, if it's all the same to you." I said quickly. As soon as I have friends… I always seem to blow it.

"It's not all the same to me. Tell us!" Ginny smiled and turned around to look at me.

The eyes on me, just screaming 'TELL ME LUNA!' wasn't helping my nerves.

I sighed.


MONDAY (Ron's P.O.V.) 7:32 PM

Fred, George, Harry and I walked in loudly coming home from the joke shop.

"We're back!" George called upstairs to Ginny and Hermione.

"Fine, hold your applause." I muttered to Harry.

"Hey! Can't you all be quiet? We're trying to talk here!"

"Ahem, We?" I asked her upsettedly.

"Me, Hermione and Luna?"

I turned around to try and hide my face, almost as red as my hair at the mention of Hermione's name.

"How long has your talking been more important than ours?" I was glad to hear Fred and George talk, to distract everyone else from myself looking at my feet, which have never looked more interesting.

"Much too long for you to count." Ginny sassed us, but most likely aimed more toward Fred than to me.

Harry disappeared upstairs, as I sat down at the table to continue reading some kind of book that Hermione told me-no, made me read.

Of course, I was zoned out most of the time, thinking about a short brunette with big, brown eyes and a strange love for books.

Someone better explain soon why I'm so stupid, because it's been this way a while.

"Congratulations, Ron. You have your first girlfriend!" Harry teased as he sat next to me, removing the book from me and reading the front.

"Hermione?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied. "Now, who is this girl, and why is she my girlfriend? I thought I might've been informed of this.

"Luna Lovegood." Harry said, flipping thought the pages of Hermione's book.

I laughed, but Harry's face remained serious.

"That was a joke, right?" I said, taking the book back and stuffing it into a drawer to stop his distracting.

"No, she honestly likes you." Harry picked up an apple from the table.

I laughed hysterically. "Harry, I never believed you were one to be sarcastic, but, you are pretty good at it, my friend."

"That wasn't sarcasm."


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