10;; He jumped off a building

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Friday (Harry's P.O.V.) 10:30 AM

"Hermione!" I called to the brunette walking briskly past everyone in the hallway.

"HERMIONE!" I called again, this time running to her and grabbing her hand.

"What?" She turned around.

"Have you seen Ron today?"

"You're planning on making me late because you're worried about Ron? You're his roommate, you should ask yourself." She turned around to keep walking.

"Hermione!" I was not giving up on Ron that easily.

"WHAT?" She yelled.

"I haven't seen him all day! You have to help me find him!" I didn't let go of her hand.

"What do you think happened?" She gave me a face that said 'you are an IDIOT, Harry Potter.'

"What if he went and jumped off a building or something?" I was just improvising now.

"Why on earth would Ron jump off a building?" She gave me that look again.

"I dunno. Maybe he decided he was sick of living." I said sarcastically to the girl. "Just help me," I pleaded.

"Harry Potter, you are lucky you're cute." She pulled my hand down the hallway.

Heh, I'm cute.

"Luna!" She called to the skipping blonde ahead of us.

She turned around and smiled.

"Hello, Hermione. What's wrong?" She pushed her hair behind an ear.

"Have you seen Ron? No one's seen him all day." Hermione said, sounding a bit worried.

Luna's eyes widened. "You haven't seen him either?" She said, looking worried.

"Bloody hell, he jumped off a building!" Hermione exclaimed.

"What is she talking about?" Luna asked me.

"I said that Ron jumped off a building earlier, which he didn't, and now Hermione's all scared and afraid he seriously did." I explained to the confused Luna.

"He might have." Luna said quietly.

"What?" Hermione's expression changed to 'OH MY GOSH, RON'S DEAD!'

"I'm joking, Hermione." She said again.

"Oh, well don't just stand there! We have to find Ron!" I said to Luna and Hermione.

Friday (Ron's P.O.V.) 10:45 AM

I lay on the ground right beside the black lake, under a tree, splashing the water gently.

I should just lie here forever, never move.

What's the point in living if there's no love? Even Dumbledore said it.

How do I know that? Did I actually pay attention?


I pulled my hand out of the water and began drawing a picture in the dirt next to the lake with a stick from the ground.

I drew a small drawing of stick-figure Harry and Hermione holding hands, and stick-figure Luna just reading, continuing her life.

"RON!" I heard Harry call from up on a hill a bit further away.

"RONALD!" I then heard Luna's voice.

It's all your imagination.

"RON!" Hermione's voice repeated.

I continued to draw stick figures until Harry's voice annoyed me enough to make me accidently make his hair as long as Hermione's.

"RON! I FOUND HIM!" Harry's voice called a while later.

"Ron!" Hermione's voice once again annoyed me. I quickly covered up my drawings by just wiping all of it away with my palm.

"Ronald," Luna said, much quieter than the other two did.

"Go away; your kind is not welcome here!" I moaned, drawing a stick figure doing an angry face with his tongue sticking out with the words spelled out at the bottom "Go away!"

"No! What's wrong?" Hermione got down on her knees beside me, followed by Harry. Who knows (and cares) where Luna ran off to.

"You don't care." I said, drawing yet another picture of happy-looking Harry and Hermione, jealous-looking me, and content looking Luna.

"You're quite the artist." Said Harry sarcastically.

"Yes, we do care! Tell us, please?" Hermione pleaded.

"You just want to know what's been keeping me from doing schoolwork." I said, turning the opposite way of them.

"No, we don't! We really care! You should be happy!" Hermione said.

After two minutes of me being silent, Harry cupped his hands in the lake and splashed my face.

"What?" I yelled, turning to them, my face probably covered in dirt.

"Tell us what's wrong! Hermione's right, you should be happy." Harry said, now sounding just aggravated.

"What makes you think I should be happy?" I asked him, still having not told them about my rejection. "It's a bloody humid day, I think it's gonna rain and I'm lying on the ground by a lake!"

"You have Luna, don't you?" Hermione was the one to speak.

To avoid them knowing how much it upset me, I turned around on my other side, facing the lake again.

"Don't you?" Hermione repeated, as if I had just forgotten to answer.

"Why do you care, Hermione? Do you just need a reason to keep me away? I promise, that won't be a problem." I shut my eyes and bit my lip to the extent that it nearly drew blood.

"Don't you?" Hermione put emphasis on the question this time.


"Luna…rejected you?" Harry repeated quietly.

"DID I NOT JUST SAY THAT?" I yelled at them.

"Ron," Hermione started.

"GO AWAY HERMIONE! YOU'RE NOT HELPING. NEITHER ARE YOU, HARRY. JUST GO AWAY." I tried to blink to get rid of the tears forming.

"Come on, Harry. Let's go." Hermione said quietly.

Almost on cue, it began to rain as they went inside.

Another short chapter, sorry guys. Well, BTW, drawing stick figures is just something I do when I get upset or angry. ;)

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