4;; Miss Invisible

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Thursday (Ron's P.O.V.) 8:01 AM

I never thought I'd be saying this, but where's Luna?

Not that I care about her or anything, but, she is usually here for breakfast.

I think it's mostly that Ginny has been particularly annoying lately, and Luna usually distracts her and keeps her away from me.

Okay, maybe that's not the only reason, but until I can find the real reason, I am wondering where she is because she keeps Ginny away.

"Ronald?" There was a Hermione voice calling from downstairs.

I didn't answer.

"Ronald!" She called a bit louder.

I didn't answer.

"RONALD!" She called as loudly as she could.

I got up angrily and opened my door.

"WHAT!" Usually, that should be a question, but it's not, really.

Something stupid, I am guessing. Probably something along the lines of 'You have a letter!' or 'Have you been reading?'

"Someone's here for you." She said, turning around, causing her brown curls to flip over her shoulder.

Like I said; stupid.

I walked down the stairs, my hair still a mess from the night before, and still just wearing plaid pajama pants and a sweatshirt.

"Who?" I said grumpily, ruffling my hair, messing it up further.

"Your girlfriend." Fred and George were still themselves, even at the early hour.

"I don't have a girlfriend, you bloody idiots!" I yelled, proceeding tiredly to the door.

Oh, there's Luna.

"Good morning, Luna." I said, with happiness so fake that I might as well just say, "LUNA LOVEGOOD! GO AWAY, YOU FREAK! SOME OF US SLEEP HERE!"

"Is it too early for you? I can leave," She looked worried, but still held on tightly to her own book.

"No, it's too early for HERMIONE." I said her name loud enough for her to clearly hear.

Luna opened her book to a page marked with a piece of parchment. "Well, I found something I thought you might be interested in.

"There was a man in here with the name Weasley." She handed me the book, biting her lip.

"Wow, I didn't know we were so famous." He joked, scanning the page quickly. "Hey, guys. Come look at this, we're famous."

Luna released her lower lip from her upper teeth, but when you looked at it; her lip was so red it seemed as if she were attempting to remove her teeth, or her lip.

"He's even got red hair," Stated Hermione, looking astonished at the paper.

"I'm surprised you haven't read this yet, Hermione." Ginny said, looking at the picture and tilting her head.

"I haven't yet finished this year's books." She sounded a bit disappointed, but still smiled at the funny-looking man in the picture.

"He looks like you, Fred." George pointed to the picture.

"I think he looks a bit more like you." Fred stared at the strange person.

"How can you tell?" Hermione whispered.

I stepped out of the crowd of Weasleys (and one Granger) and stood next to Luna.

"Mental, they are." I whispered to the blonde girl, biting her lip again. Maybe Harry was telling the truth when he said she liked me.

She barely let slip a giggle through the small-to-no space between her teeth and her lip. It was going to kill me.

"Why do you do that, Luna?" I finally asked, for I was worried for the wellbeing of her teeth.

"Do what?" She asked quietly, this time not returning her teeth immediately to her mouth.

"Bite your lip. Are you trying to kill yourself?" I smirked, elbowing her arm.

Her face reddened, like I had never seen happen to the pale girl before.

"No, I am not trying to kill myself. I don't know why I'm doing that." She wrapped her arm across her torso, grabbing her left arm with her right hand.

"Nervous habit?" I suggested with a shrug.

"Maybe," She said quietly.

What's wrong with her? Am I intimidating? Do I scare the poor thing?

"What's wrong, Luna?" I finally decide to ask her, because I am deeply afraid I scare the poor thing.

Thursday (Luna's P.O.V.) 8:21 AM.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong." I turned away from him.

"Oh, yeah. Sure. And I am not really a Weasley." He replied sarcastically.

I turned red even further.

"Luna, you could just say you're a stubborn girl and you don't want to tell me." He said after a moment of silence.

"I'm a stubborn girl and I don't wish to tell you." I turned around and crossed my arms.

I could nearly hear the smirk on his face.

"That you are." He said with a laugh and walked away.

"I need to be going." I said to everyone, picking my book back up and heading for the door.

"Goodbye, Luna!" Harry was the only one to acknowledge that I was even leaving.

"Goodbye, Harry!" I waved goodbye my arm above my head.

I skipped home with my messy hair trailing behind me.

Stupid, stupid Luna. "I am a stubborn girl and I don't wish to tell you."

My own words haunted me as I broke my skipping pace and walked normally.

I walked in the door of my house and instantly up to my room.

Picking up a notebook, I sat on my window seat and stared at the day that quickly began raining.

Dear Diary,

I wish Ronald knew. If he did, I would be able to just run up to him and throw my arms around him without seeming crazy…or him suspecting things.

Of course, with Hermione as competition, there is no way he's ever going to love ME.

Crazy, stupid, mental, Looney Lovegood.

I could just Avada Kedavra myself right now, and that would be doing myself a favor.

There's always Harry…

Did I honestly think that?

Best Regards,

Luna Elizabeth Lovegood

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