5;; Sparks Fly

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Friday (Ron's P.O.V.) 1:14 PM

I sat in my room and watched out the window.

It was a strangely sunny and hot day, considering school was only one week away, and it was raining yesterday.

There was a bored-looking Harry across the room, who was only bored because Hermione went to Luna's house.

Fred and George were outside testing out some kind of fireworks, but ran inside quickly.

"RON! HARRY!" They ran into our room.

"What?" Harry looked up from his boredom.

"LUNA'S HOUSE IS ON FIRE!" Fred exclaimed.

Harry and I exchanged confused looks, and then worried ones.

"Hermione." We said at the same time, jumping up and running for the door.

Friday (Hermione's P.O.V.) 1:20 PM

Luna and I were trapped in her room, which was slowly burning.

"LUNA! OPEN THE DOOR!" I ran and tried to push it open.

"Don't you think I would? We're trapped!" She yelled, pushing as hard as she could to get the door open.

"LUNA!" I yelled, reaching for the floor and picking up my wand.

"AGUAMENTI!" I yelled as loudly as I could, pointing to the walls around us. "HERMIONE, IT'S NO USE!" Luna yelled back to me. I fell to the floor. Everything went (Luna's P.O.V.) 1:31 PM "HERMIONE! HERMIONE!" I yelled to the brunette lying on the ground. Now I'm all alone. I'm going to die alone, literally. "AGUAMENTI!" I heard two voices call from outside, water spraying me lightly through the cracks of the door. Harry and Ron burst through the door. The biggest smile spread across my face. "MINE!" Harry exclaimed after he and Ron both went for Hermione. What am I, chopped liver? Ron muttered something, it sounded like a question. "You're saving her life!" Harry said back. "LUNA!" Ron grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him. Harry was holding Hermione and running out of the building with her. My eyes began to fill with frightened tears as I looked around at what used to be my beautiful home, until I saw someone in the kitchen. "Daddy?" I said faintly. My vision blurred then completely (Harry's P.O.V.) 1:30 PM Ron and I ran into the burning building, and straight for Luna's room, the door of which was covered by a board that fell from the ceiling. "AGUAMENTI!" Ron and I yelled, pointing our wands at the board and pulling it off. I saw a passed out Hermione on the floor. "MINE!" I exclaimed, running for Hermione and picking her up. "Are you really going to make me get her?" Ron asked me quietly. "You're saving her life!" I exclaimed. Ron sighed, knowing I was right and grabbed Luna's hand, pulling her out the door. You'll thank me someday… We all ran out and headed for the door. "Daddy?" I heard a quiet Luna voice from behind. I turned around and Luna was passed out on the floor. "You're not honestly gonna make me…" Ron said, gesturing down to the dead-looking Luna on the burning floor. "Yes I am." I turned around, as there was nothing left to discuss and headed again for the door. We finally got out of the building, and we were all safe. Of course, the one problem was that we knew not if Hermione and Luna were still alive. That might be a problem. A/N- I expected this to be longer!

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