11;;Meet me in the pouring rain

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~One week later~

Saturday (Hermione's P.O.V.) 4:47 PM

Ron, Harry and I sat in the Gryffindor common room a few days after Ron had decided he wouldn't be mad at us anymore.

It was raining really hard outside, so we were all sitting by the fire, desperately trying to get warm.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I finally decided to ask Harry what he was attempting to do by repeatedly opening his book, looking at it, closing it, writing something down, opening it again, ect.

"Oh, copying something from this book," He picked up the book. "into this notebook." He handed me the notebook.

"Ooh, exciting." Said Ron sarcastically.

"What is this anyway?" I handed the notebook back to Harry.

"Something someone wrote about why most people skip." Harry put the notebook down.

"Why the bloody hell would you want to know why people skip? Is there something wrong with skipping?" Ron said, as if it offended him.

"Calm yourself, Ron. I just thought it was interesting." Harry put the book away, tossing it towards his bookbag.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I'm with Ron. What is interesting about people that skip?" I looked at Harry, who was reading over what he had written.

"They're usually crazy," Harry pointed out.

"True," I added.

"Yeah, but Hermione's crazy, and no one writes about her." Ron said, looking at me.

"Thanks, Ron." I gave him my slightly upset, yet slightly amused look.

We were talking for quite a while before Seamus spoke out from across the room, by the window.

"Blimey," He said, facing us. "How long you think she's been out there?"

"Who?" I asked, standing up to better understand what he was talking about.

"Luna. She seems to have been out there a while, considering how wet she is." He pointed to the far away blonde figure out the window.

I turned around to look at Ron, noticing Harry had thought the same thing.

"What?" Ron asked.

We stared at him a moment.

"Fine," He stood up and walked out of the room.

Goodness, Ron. Are you stupid? Go get your girlfriend, you idiot!

Saturday (Luna's P.O.V.) 5:37 PM

I had been sitting outside in the rain for about two hours, mostly because outside is a place I can think.

It was raining so hard that I could hardly see-or hear- anything when someone called out to me.

"LUNA!" An undefined voice was behind me.

Finally, someone with a half-untucked shirt, bright red hair came close enough that I could actually see him.

"Hi, Ronald." I said, generally loudly, considering the rain was hard enough that talking normally was like whispering.

"Luna! You're all wet!" He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and removed a towel from my bag next to me.

"You must be the most logical person I've ever met." He said with a laugh.

I handed him a towel, as I had several in my bag.

He took it and wrapped it around my shoulders.

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