6;; Rudely Interrupted

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A/N-Yes, I know very well that I skipped a day. There's a reason.

Sunday (Luna's P.O.V.) 9:57 AM

I opened my eyes to a blurry picture of what seemed like it was the Weasley's house, and as my vision cleared, a Ron sitting at the end of the bed I lay on, holding my hand.


"You're alive." Ron let out a sigh of relief.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I said, my voice being much more faint, and myself being in much more pain than I had first noticed.

"You were…well, out all day yesterday… and I feared you were dead." He shrugged.

I sat up, which hurt my arms, causing me to make a few small noises as I changed positions.

Since there was a clear space right next to me, Ron came and sat next to me.

"Dead…Daddy! Is he alive?" I asked, suddenly frightened.

"Yeah, but um…He's…" Ron sounded nervous.


"In the hospital." He said, almost like a question.

My eyes began to fill with tears.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked, biting my lip to the extent that I could practically taste blood.

"I don't know." Ron looked down. "I hope so," He almost whispered.

I allowed one tear to fall down my face.

"Luna," Ron said, looking at me. "Please don't cry."

One more tear fell down my face and landed on my hand.

I turned to Ron and buried my face in his shoulder, trying as hard as I could to not cry.

To my own surprise, he comforted me by putting one arm around me.

My tears stopped and I looked up at his face, which looked just as concerned as my own.

Ron looked down at me and smiled slightly. I smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Luna." He whispered. I expected him to say something else, but he didn't.

"Ronald." I replied.

He moved in closer to me and I did the same.

We were only three inches apart when the door swung open, causing the both of us to jump back and making me look down and bite my lip again.

It's my luck.

Hermione stood in the doorway and stared at us for a moment.

"Luna! You're alive!" She smiled.

"I could say the same." I scanned her, noticing that her whole face was covered with bandages, and her left ankle was entirely wrapped up, the same with her right wrist.

"You were out all day yesterday, and I woke up only an hour after the fire." She stated. "Ronald, what are you even doing in here anyway?" Hermione looked puzzled.

"Harry told me to come and check on Luna." Ron looked still a bit embarrassed.

"I know that, but that was at least an hour ago." Hermione crossed her arms.

"Well, what's wrong with caring a little bit?" Ron shrugged

"Nothing, it's just…not like you." Hermione shifted a little bit.

"You sure you're not just jealous?" Ron joked.

Hermione scoffed and marched away, slamming the door behind her.

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