9;; I was rejected by a psycho

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Thursday (Ron's P.O.V.) 5:29 PM

I can't bloody believe it.

It happened yesterday and I'm still in shock.

I kissed Luna Lovegood.

"Ron! RON!" Hermione snapped in front of my face.

"Huh? What?" I looked around as if Hermione had just woken me up from a deep sleep.

"You weren't even listening!" She exclaimed angrily.

"I think…I think I need a…I think I need a break from studying." I stuttered.

She turned to Harry to just continue her study help with him.

"What is wrong with him? He's just so happy, and crazy, and nice," Hermione asked Harry.

"Maybe he's drunk." Harry suggested. "Ron, are you drunk?" He looked at me.

"No! Why in the bloody hell would I be drunk?" I snapped back to reality, and in reality, I was not in love with a psycho.

In reality, I was supposed to be studying, but further in reality, I didn't want to do that anyway.

"Are you on a love potion?" Hermione suggested.

"Not exactly," I said, returning to I'm-in-love-with-Luna-Lovegood-land.

"Ooh, Ron's in love, and this time he didn't need a potion!" Hermione said, clapping.

"Who said I was in love?" I said, slightly squeakily.

"Your squeaking." Harry stated.

"Whatever. It's not my fault, okay?" I crossed my arms.

"Being in love or squeaking?" Hermione asked in all seriousness.

"Both." I sighed.

"Well?" Harry said, staring at me, looking a bit like a creep.

"Well?" I asked.

"Who is it?" Hermione smiled excitedly and scooted in closer, as if it were story time.

(A/N-Fifty points to Gryffindor for whoever can figure out who said the 'story time' thing first.)

"Who is who?" I looked at them, hoping to put off having to answer.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Harry smiled just as excitedly as Hermione.

"Oh, that." I said, hoping to put it off even further.

"RON WEASLEY! JUST TELL US!" Hermione yelled.

"Fine. Well, she is…blonde…" I started.


I've been found out.

"FINE! IT'S..." I started loudly, but my volume lowered to barely a whisper. "Luna Lovegood."

"Awwww!" Hermione went all girly on us as she bounced up and down on the couch and clapped. "You know how much she likes you back?"

"I thought you thought she was crazy," Harry said.

"She is. Crazy, but brilliant. I am thinking about maybe…you know…" I said, trying to put 'ask out' into more sophisticated-sounding words.

"Ask her out?" Harry said.

Gee, thanks.

"Yeah." I looked down.

"Well? Go find her!" Hermione exclaimed, practically throwing me out.

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