7;; In love with a Gryffindor

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Monday (Luna's P.O.V.) 11:00 AM

I skipped through the walkway of the train, looking for Harry, Ron and Hermione's booth, suggesting that they'd all be sitting together.

I reached the booth with just the three of them, as I had guessed and slid the door open.

"Hello, Luna." Hermione looked up and smiled at me.

"Hello, Hermione. Do you all mind if I sit with you?"

"No, not at all." Harry answered for the three.

I caught on quickly that Harry and Hermione were sitting together and I best not bother them, so I sat by Ron, but a good eleven inches away from him.

We looked at eachother for a moment, then turned away, the both of us in embarrassment, considering we haven't seen eachother in a week, and the last time we did was another kiss attempt, once again interrupted.

The most recent time was interrupted by Harry, and we were only one inch away that time.

"Hello, Ronald." I said quietly.

"Hi." Ron said quickly.

I looked across the way and saw Hermione's smug look.

"What?" I looked at her.

She made a heart with her fingers and giggled uncontrollably.

"Hermione!" I whispered through my own giggles.

"Girls," Muttered Harry, rolling his eyes at Ron.

"One of them's yours," Ron whispered to Harry.

"Excuse me?" Hermione said, looking at Ron.

"Nothing," Ron looked a bit frightened towards Hermione.

"One's yours." Harry joked to Ron, making me blush, even though they didn't think I was listening.

I honestly wish.

"We need to change into our robes." Hermione suggested.

I was the first to get out of the booth and go to change.

I returned shortly in my Ravenclaw robes, apparently, though I was the first to leave, I wasn't the first to come back, for when I neared the booth, they were all changed.

I quickly fixed my hair and straightened my robes before entering, and when I did, I riskily sat a few inches closer to Ron, but he didn't seem to notice.

They were all laughing when Ron shot them a look, and I felt a bit like they were laughing at me.

I looked down in fear that they really were laughing at me.

"What's wrong, Luna?" Hermione looked at me.

"Nothing." I said quietly.

Ron looked a bit worried, and I never quite paid attention to Harry's emotions.

We arrived at the castle after a long silence, and the boat ride was just as silent, it annoyed me, and I was just dying to break the silence, but I decided it was a bad idea, because I would probably say something stupid.

We arrived at the castle and watched as everyone was sorted, getting 7 new Ravenclaws, 14 new Gryffindors, 9 new Hufflepuffs, and 5 new Slytherins.

I was ignoring all that, of course, as I turned around and watched Ron for a few brief seconds before he looked at me.

I turned around and bit my lip.

"Ooh, Luna's got a crush on a Gryffindor boy!" Jeslyn, a girl in my house said, loud enough that the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor tables could hear.

I bit down on my lip even harder, but didn't deny it. If I did, everyone would know it was true.

Thank you, Jeslyn. Now everyone's going to be asking all week which Gryffindor boy I like. Thank you very much.

Harry, who was sitting next to Ron, turned around to look at me and gave me a frown.

"Thanks." I whispered to his sympathy.

Even Harry knew how much I liked Ron. I mean, everyone but Ron knew.

The only reason he doesn't know is because he never believes anyone when they tell him, thank goodness.

"Which one is it?" Someone across from me asked me.

So it begins.

"Harry?" One girl whispered. I shook my head at that.

"Seamus?" Another whispered. I wrinkled my nose and shook my head at that one. I mean, if I liked him, and we ever went out, he'd probably make me explode.

"Come on, Luna. We're your friends." One girl tried to persuade me.

"I'd really rather not say. I haven't even told Hermione and Ginny, and they're my best friends." I picked up a copy of the Quibbler, which I had already read, of course.

"It's a Weasley, isn't it?" Jeslyn said.

"No, I have no interest in any boy in Gryffindor, and that's final. I was told to keep an eye on a certain Gryffindor for someone." I am the worst liar ever. I shouldn't even lie.

"Rubbish," Jeslyn said, and every girl that had suggested anything nodded.

"Well, if that's not the case, than please tell me who it is, considering you all obviously know me better than I do." I snapped.

(Ooh, sassy.)

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