Chapter 7|The rescue

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Peeta's pov

Katniss. Away. From. Me.
She is out of my reach. She is in the arms of the Capitol. She is not safe.
I want to just barge right into the Capitol and take her, but I know I can't. Not right now.

It's been two weeks. Two weeks.

She is so far away for far too long.

Just keep breathing, Peeta. Just keep breathing.
She will be okay.

They have televised videos and clips of her and Finnick getting beaten.  

Ever since then, I have gone into depression.
  They have to drag me to the cafeteria to eat. They think they understand, but they don't.
How about I take your lover to the Capitol and make you stay here in thirteen?
Me and Prim have been speaking a lot lately.

We both have the same feeling, for she loves Katniss too.

"Don't worry, Peeta." Prim says. "Katniss is a fighter. She will get back to you. Back to us."
Haymitch bursts through the door, sweating. He must have been running.

"What is it?" I ask.
"They're taking volunteers to go rescue Katniss and Finnick."

I get to my feet as fast as possible. No questions asked.

Yes, I get strange looks from people, but I could care less.
I make it down to the command room and see a table with a piece of paper on it.

I write my name and see that I am the first to sign up.

"Woah woah woah." Haymitch says.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks.
"Are you kidding me? That's just offensive. Of course I want to do this. Why wouldn't I?"

He just shrugs and signs his name. It says only six soldiers are going.

Boggs, a commander, signs up. Gale, and two other soldiers also sign up.

We have to get our gear and make sure we are able to work with it.

My fake leg is causing me pain from all of the running. I am limping around.

"You may not want to come rescue Katniss. Only real soldiers, or people that actually have two legs should go." Gale says.

I scold him. What a butthole.

I shoot my unfamiliar gun, and the bullet finds the middle of the target.

I look at Gale.
"Looks like one legged guys can shoot better than normal people," I state, and he has a look of I don't know what on his face.

I half smile, and everybody boards the hovercraft.
It will be easier for us to sneak into the Capitol because the dam in district five has been blown up, resulting in power loss to the Capitol.
It's a long ride, and we all sit in silence. That's when I speak up.

"So, what is the plan?" I ask.
"We use the night vision goggles I have stored in the back of the hovercraft. They will help us see.
Katniss and Finnick are in the tribute center. Beete has hacked the security system so we will be able to make it through. They Capitol was smart enough to put nuclear energy in the security so no one can make it through even if the power is out. But we found a way. Once we get them we will knock them out, just for safety precautions, and bring them back onto the hovercraft." Boggs says.

" Sounds good."

I see the fields of district eleven. Something is different. That something is fire.
Almost every district has fire or rubble lying witching it.

District 9. District 8. District 7. We are getting closer to the Capitol. Closer to Katniss.
District 4. District 3. District 2. We are so close, yet so far away.

District 1 passes by beneath us. Then I see the dark Capitol.

I am not used to seeing it without all of the lights.
The windows of our hovercraft begin to show these little labels, showing each building.
I finally see the tribute center.
I am coming my love.

I climb down the latter that leads to the roof.
I remember being here with Katniss before our games.

Telling her I don't want to be another piece in their games. Having a picnic before the quell. Talking. Having fun in almost impossible circumstances.

We slide open a panel and attach some ropes to the floor of the roof.

I attach a rope to a small device on my chest plate, and slide down the rope.
This place brings back nightmares, but not as many as the arena did.

Once we reach the bottom, we head towards a set of steel double doors. Boggs lets a device examine his face, and we are granted access. Beetee has done an excellent job.
We make our way down some hallways, and find the hospital area. That must be where they are held.

We try every door, checking to see if they're in there.

We open room 451, and I see a girl. A rather strange girl.

Her face covered in scars. Her body in bruises. Blood pouring out of every opening.
When me and this poor girl make eye contact, I notice her seam grey eyes. Those eyes that I would recognize no matter where I was.

"Katniss," I mumble.

I run over to her, carefully picking her up. She groans at my touch, and I calm her.
Haymitch and Boggs come with me and help with Katniss, while the others get Finnick. He looks just as rough.

"We need to knock her out. It will get rid of the pain," Haymitch says.

"No please, Haymitch. I finally got her back",
"And you want her to suffer? She is in excruciating pain, Peeta!" Haymitch yells, and I let them put her into unconsciousness. Her eyes find mine through the darkness, and I see the crack of a smile forming on her lips.

I have never been happier.

That's when the lights turn on, and the night vision goggles start making aweful noises. Instant pain comes to my eyes

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